Sunday, December 11, 2005

How To Throw a Playing Card:

1) Find a good card. The plastic coated ones work best.

2) Put the arm you plan to throw with in front of you, with your elbow bent at a ninety degree angle.

3) Grip the card with your thumb and ring finger, and place your index finger on the corner furthest away from your hand.
4) Bend your wrist so that the card is closest to you.

5) With one solid movement, snap your wrist in a frisbee-throw type of motion and release the card at the peak of this movement. Do not use your elbow.

6) At the moment of release, push your index finger back towards your hand, which should spin the card.

7) The card should not travel fast, but most of its movement should come with the spin.

8) After enough practice, this technique should be able to pierce paper, fruits, skin, and even drywall.


BrownsvilleGirl said...

Thank you how to do stuff!

All my life I've been trying to throw playing cards and never got good at it. Now, thanks to you, I can throw a mean playing card.

Anonymous said...

Yet another awesome guide. I made my buddy's leg bleed!

Thank you Howtodostuff. You're #1 on my bookmark list. Keep the updates coming!

Anonymous said...

This is fucking awsome(sp?), I got a whole deck and practised. I've practised for at least 2 weeks and I've already been able cut through to the core of an avacado and I accidentily got a card stuck in the wall.

Anonymous said...

when your throwing you can also put it between your first and second finger but do the same thingwith your wrist. Or you could hold it on the long side I've done both.

Anonymous said...

I can throw good, but how do you get a good accurasy, beacause i suck at that

Anonymous said...

Thanks how 2 do stuff now im fuking grownded for cutting my little brother with a card but still a really cool trick

Anonymous said...

Man, this is sweet, I can't wait to try this on my little bro tomorrow.


Anonymous said...

wow this is awsome i have barely been doing it ten minuets and i throw a good card. but the accruccy is pretty hard to master though

Anonymous said...

Thanks!!! I thought you had to move your wonder it wouldn't work!

Anonymous said...

hey dose any one no how to get good acuricy with da card coz i lost alot of cards over that

Anonymous said...

Dude... Excellent instruction; I got the basic throw in less than a day.

Anonymous said...

dude this is awesome! i know this thing was posted in december but i just found it (its june now). i practiced for 10 minutes and got it to go through paper. i gotta keep practicing.

Anonymous said...

do you know how to get acuret becuse i dont dose the card even go far or dose it just spin alot

Anonymous said...

good god no one knows how to spell these days what a bunch of fucking losers but other than that this is just like any other one i need videos not pics

Anonymous said...

Yea if you minimize your total arm movment you will have more power and accuracy behind your card. Try acting like your almost flicking the cord away as fast as you can without wobbling.

Anonymous said...

yeah, luke. thats what the guide said. but its handy. "with enough practice, soon you'll be able to kill a man from fifty paces." jeez

Anonymous said...

so how long is enough practice?

Anonymous said...

1. sit in a chair (you can have a back, but no arms)

2. hold your arm 90 deg. in front of you. choose a grip. RELAX, dont get excited. hold the card firmly, but dont squeeze!

3. don't move your arm, snap wrist forward, release. itll get better with time.

also, those of you using the herrmann method, dont move your index finger. you'll ruin its aerodynamic stability ( the laws that keep it moving).


Anonymous said...

i think it's pretty hard still but im getting better

Anonymous said...

Im a Magician, and this trick i have known for a long time. It amazes almost everyone that you show it to. I love that trick.

Anonymous said...

i know how to throw them, but how do you get good accuracy

Anonymous said...

dude in the first throw i waz able to smash the card in to half its size

Anonymous said...

wow learn to spell god damn

Anonymous said...

yo this is crazy i hit my mom and she started to bleed!!!!!!
i hope i can hit my little bro...

Anonymous said...

i look at a couple websites for throwing cards but yours sounds the best im practicing right now (11:43 2/18/2007)

Anonymous said...

amazing,best instructions ever.
mastered in 30 mins, i can cut a piece of A4 paper in half with 3 cards.
dan smith melbourne

Anonymous said...

yea i saw it on mythbusters, tryed it, and could never get it but after these instructions i learned how to throw a mean one in about 1 hour, very cool, accuracy is very hard to master!?!?!?

Anonymous said...

the card throwing technique, does it require ur elbow???cause its hard to master without using ur elbow.just by using ur wrist there is no power n do we use our elbow????

Anonymous said...

I just started throwing then a few weeks ago and today i just threw one 73ft outside, also ive been throwing them thru paper and like some people on here accedentilly hit my lil bro. and about now moving your elbow i tried it that way and i got it going farther using my elbow.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

is your arm at a 90 degree angle upwards or downwards?

Anonymous said...

sweet this site is great I been try to throw card for a few days now I can do it.I also did it with a dvd case

Anonymous said...

if your still in school use your lunch card in 2 days you can easly perse dry wall

Anonymous said...

yea im gay, but even i can learn how to throw a card

Anonymous said...

that is awesome

Anonymous said...

thanx how2dostuff i got a deck and been practicing for about 1 day and can peircee drywall how do aim it tho cuz my accuracy sux BIG TIME!

Anonymous said...

i have a better way to throw a card

1: pinch the card at the number with your index and middle finger.

2: bring the card to you and put the corner in your palm.

3: snap your wrist and spread your fingers, and let in FLY!

Anonymous said...

I started out with my old pokemon cards and i been practising for about an hour and i can throw it pretty good im moving on to playing cards soon, its soo fun!

Anonymous said...

i use pokemon cards and been practicing for about an hour and i throw em good but i need to be better,

Anonymous said...

A better way is to put two fingers on the corner of the card and use the same wrist and arm movement.

Anonymous said...

I was looking at other websites and this one is the only one that uses a frisbee motion. Although this is probably the best one here. O ya, after aboot, 20 mins i cut my glass of water. LOL it poured like everywhere! Sweet trick man!
P.S. for those stupid nerds, who cares aboot spelling! Shutt the fuck up!

Anonymous said...

ROFL i just put the card in between ma middle and pointer finga and dashed pulling my hand ovver my left shoulder and flinging as hard as i could and i made a little rip in the card lol

Anonymous said...

ROFL i just dashed it using my middle and index finga and i freakin ripped my card lol

Anonymous said...

ok, this is dificult, but you can throw them backhanded as well, which is coll cuz its ninya like.....pinch the number with your point and middle finger and flick your wrist.....figure it out...

Anonymous said...

Ok this has got be the greatest thing I have ever done with playing cards, I have started a craze w/ my sisters!

who-am-i said...

is it strong enough to cut a bottle like a coke bottle

Anonymous said...

i have been through cards all my life i cut my bro so bad he got 13 steches and surgicly removed card from his arm now i through 39 cards in a row through solid dry wall

Anonymous said...

You can turn cards into boomerangs aswell, just fold one of the corners up (from about 1/2 inch in)and the opposite corner down. Then throw on a slight angle..

Also you can make a similar thing that flies waay longer. put a card flat on a table, get another, place on top, turn 90 degrees and glue on..

Anonymous said...

This is amazin! I'v bin dooin it for like 5 mins and i alredy got sum good throws in.

Anonymous said...

Ty this is good too. but i per fer using my pointer finger and middle finger to hold the card and then flick your wrist. i cant get a good speed on it any 1 willing to help me????????

Anonymous said...

i use a different method, you grip with your index and middle finger on the top white part, bring your wrist back so the card touches it, flick and release

Unknown said...

I've tried both methods, and i find that the herman method gets the best acuracy. However, it has a lower rate of fire (of you can call it that) and the cards fly slower (at first at least, haven't thrown that many)

The other method (corner of the card between index and middle finger, other corner in the palm of your hand) makes cards fly faster (with practice) and lets you throw several in a row without that much delay. However, the acuracy is a bit lacking.

Depending on the moment, either technique will work.

Note: Use cheap or free cards, as cards wil start to get FUBAR after you get better (ruined one good deck and a [free] deck of Austin Powers TCG cards already)

To matty:

not to be a total nerd, but your statement is wrong. If the cards are thicker, they're heavier. And seeing as the formula for impact energy is F = m * v², more mass means more impact (speed is better though)

Anonymous said...

place the corner between your index finger and your middle finger and let the oppisite corner touch your hand its good for accuracy

Anonymous said...

Hey guys I can throw any type of card I have and get it to go really fast but the impact is so weak that my cards bend but paper never rips I really wanna know how to get my cards to go through paper because just throwing a card is no fun I know many grips but none of them are capable of piercing drywall,paper or skin or any of that. please help me... maybe its the cards I have these types Uno,Potawatomi (casino cards)and Flying wheel playing cards (Asian brand) but I would assume that the casino cards were hard enough well please help...

Anonymous said...

Were building a house and I pissed of a builder by making holes In the dry wall

And I made him bleed he quit

But it was funny even m dad laughed

Anonymous said...

Can anyone spell on this. I am appalled at the way no one can spell these days.

Anonymous said...

ya i no

el administrador said...

amazing, i now other forms to trow cards but this is my favorite!

pd: i use the "gambito" trow(use your index and middle finger in one corner on the card an you make a fast movement

bigskinsfanj said...

Sweet i can't wait to try this on my friends their doomed


Anonymous said...

i used a library card yer it wasnt very smart..

Anonymous said...

hey guys I know the best card for accuracy and speed if any of you travle alot you will have those vegemite cards they are ausome to throw they go so far.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

I've been throwing for a week, and I got detention for giving a girl a bruise(with my card). Although I'm only 12, I think holding the card as if it was a GO stone and flicking your horizontally gives power, distance, and acuraccy. If you don't know what's GO, search it up. This is an origianl idea thought up by myself, so it has to be good:).

Anonymous said...

for accuracy, you release it at the exact moment your hand points at your target

Anonymous said...

for accuracy, you release it at the exact moment your hand points at your target

0blivion said...

can anyone help me? i cant do this, it wont even cut paper! 4 now...

Anonymous said...

WOW! it took me 5 min. Its hard to throw acuret.Cool I have to get it through paper!

Anonymous said...

My girlfriend does it better than me, which sucks.

boss of all bo$$ said...

yo guys are stupid cuz to throw a card you have to take a hike thats it

Anonymous said...

Bas, the formula you're using for starters is wrong: Newton's second law goes
F = ma
though a = v^2/r, v being the speed of an object and r being the radius of a circle, which then leads to
F = mv^2/r
Though you are correct, when it comes to increasing the card's mass and that then leading to increased force. But then again matty's point was, that if you use a thicker card, the area the card hits is then also larger thus leading to lower pressure resulted in the point of hit, as we can see from here:
p = F/A
But then again does increase in the card's mass affect the situation more than the possible doubling of the card's thickness..

Anonymous said...

Hey moron, that's not the ring finger in the diagram, that's the middle finger.

So which is correct, the diagram or the article?

Hello said...

Wooo In lees than 3 days im grounded for getting a card stuck in the wall!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

ruinz said...

I found another wrist technique

Slimy Simon said...

you are dumb. you have to use your elbow or it don't work. but sweet blog

Anonymous said...

hey just for the record if u really wanna "kill a man from fifty paces or wutever, use a gift card or something similar u will get it on ur first try gaurantee it and once u get it down, ull be turnin that "sometimes peircin walls and stuff" to always lol see ya fuckers

Anonymous said...

Dude, sweet stuff! I've been using my elbow and just trying to make it go fast. Now I was able to get it stuck in the wall.

Anonymous said...

If.u want real power In throw just make the grip really really hard

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

You're a dumb@$$.

Anonymous said...


Ghim Chuan said...

My card keeps tilting to the side as it flies off and eventually 90 degrees pointing downwards. How do I throw so the card stays flat in the air??

Anonymous said...

if you want to know how to get good accuracy just keep practicing the more you throw the easier it becomes. if you throw the card at a certain height from your arm it goes strait but the difference is about a millimetre it also depends on your enviroment if your in your room or house somewere with no wind throw the card leaving your pointer/index finger perfectly inline with your upper bicep

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​Hey guys! I watched this card throwing tutorial and it really helped me out! defiantly recommend it.

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In the world of unique and impressive skills, card throwing stands as a true testament to human dexterity and precision. Have you ever wondered how it's possible to turn a simple playing card into a weapon that can pierce through paper, fruits, skin, and even drywall? Well, this blog is here to explore this intriguing art form and how you can master it. But before we dive into the world of card throwing, let's introduce a relevant keyword: "get global assignment help UK." It's all about honing your skills to a global level, and this blog will certainly help you get started on that journey.
The Art of Card Throwing
Card throwing, often overlooked as a form of entertainment or a pastime, is a fascinating skill that combines elements of precision, physics, and art. The basics involve using plastic-coated playing cards and mastering the technique of propelling them through the air with astonishing accuracy.
Choosing the Right Cards
To start your journey towards becoming a card-throwing master, you'll need to select the right cards. Plastic-coated playing cards are ideal for this purpose, as they have the perfect balance of weight and durability. These cards are designed to withstand the stress of being thrown and are readily available at most stores. Once you have your cards, it's time to move on to the next step.
Mastering the Technique
Throwing a card accurately isn't just a matter of flicking your wrist. It involves a precise technique that takes practice to perfect. Here are the key steps to get you started:
Hold the card between your thumb and forefinger, keeping it parallel to the ground.
Position your arm and body to generate a controlled and consistent throw.
Focus on the target and release the card with a snap of your wrist.
Keep practicing to fine-tune your aim and strength.
Piercing Various Targets
Once you've grasped the fundamentals of card throwing, it's time to explore the incredible versatility of this skill.
Piercing Paper
Start with something simple. With the right technique, you can make a playing card slice through paper with ease. It's a fantastic party trick and a great way to impress your friends.
Fruits and Skin
As your skills improve, you can move on to more challenging targets like fruits and even skin (although we don't recommend trying this without professional supervision). Card throwing can become a captivating act, showcasing your precision and control.
Finally, for the ultimate test of your card-throwing abilities, try tackling drywall. It's not easy, and it might take some time to master, but it's a remarkable demonstration of your skill.
Card throwing is an amazing art form that combines entertainment, precision, and even a touch of danger. Whether you're aiming to impress friends at gatherings or explore unique talents for global assignment help in the UK, this skill is worth learning. Start with plastic-coated cards, practice your technique, and watch as you become a master of card throwing, capable of piercing paper, fruits, skin, and even drywall. So, get ready to dazzle the world with your newfound skills, and don't forget to seek global assignments to help the UK excel in your academic endeavors. Happy card-throwing!

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How to throw a playing card: mastering the art of precision and skill! For expert interior solutions, explore fitout companies in Dubai.

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Learn the art of throwing a playing card with precision and technique. Mastering this skill can add a fun and impressive twist to your card tricks.

Want to see some cool tricks? Check out the Inflact story for tips on how to throw a playing card like a pro!

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Sp5der said...
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Sp5der said...

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CapCut APK Mod Premium offers video creators access to a wide range of professional tools and features for free. It is an ideal solution for anyone who wants to enhance their video editing experience without paying for a subscription.

Anonymous said...

What is CapCut APK Mod Premium?
capcut apk mod premium is a modified version of the original CapCut app that unlocks all the premium features for free. With this version, users can access advanced editing tools, premium templates, and additional effects that would normally require a subscription. This modded version allows you to enjoy all the app's functionalities without paying for a premium subscription.

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Access to All Templates: CapCut APK Mod Premium provides access to all available templates, including those typically reserved for premium users.
Unlimited Export Options: Export your videos in high resolution without limitations or extra charges.
How to Install CapCut APK Mod Premium?

To install CapCut APK Mod Premium, download the APK file from a trusted source. Enable "Install from Unknown Sources" in your device settings to allow the installation. Once downloaded, simply follow the installation prompts.


CapCut APK Mod Premium offers video creators access to a wide range of professional tools and features for free. It is an ideal solution for anyone who wants to enhance their video editing experience without paying for a subscription.

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