1) Get a napkin and spread it out. Lay it down on a flat surface.
2) Put about two cups of flour (500 ml if you're foreign), into the center of the napkin.
3) Gather all four corner of the napkin and attach them using a rubber band.
4) Throw at your desired victim and laugh.
Where's the fourth step?
4. Stop being a smartass.
there you go.
HA! i like step 4.
Fixed it... sorry about that.
Lol your blog is awesome. I've heard the flour bomb before though :/
Maybe ill submit something to ya later.
Keep it up!
This may be the most creative blog I've ever seen. I've encouraged my own readers to check it out.
You're going to get somebody killed with that squirt gun flame thrower thing...but it is pretty funny. : )
why come you stopped updating?
dude me and my friend made this one night and when we thrue it it just hit the ground and didnt do any thing.
wtf. why do you torment me
it didnt work for me
Also, if you use an egg in the middle of the flour, it creates even more fun and mayhem for the victim.
if u wet the napkin and then fill it it will stick to the person and break easier
Ok people ive heard this b 4 its simple if youre going to do this you need a very thin napkin u no like the Zee napkins those work well happy humiliating lol
You know flour also explodes? So if you have a fire to throw it in...(It probably wont kill anyone, but be careful! Honestly, dead people are messy. I mean like throw it in a fire with a huge no-flame zone and no one around it and you with a trash can lid of godly might +5)
youve got to lightly wet the napkin/paper towel before you throw it.
imade the flame thorwer put the fluied on a stray dog or on the road an light it up
i wont to no who da heck wold put it on a dog lol ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha and dose it work?
I threw this out the window and it hit the helmet of a motorcycle driver, it was funny!
you suck arses and you lick cocks i,m gonna hunt u down and kill you so give me my fucking moneyback asshole from your KILLER
you suck arses and you lick cocks i,m gonna hunt u down and kill you so give me my fucking moneyback asshole from your KILLER
your blogs r amazing keep up with those ideas
ummmm wats with mr.FAAAAAAAAAGGGGGGEEEEETTTTTTTT and why does he need counseling???
oh yeah and flour doesnt explode!!! ROTFLMAO!!!
another cool thing u could do is jam a m-50 firecracker in there and light it and then throw it! that would be sweet!!!
or, you can go all out and buy a h-bomb!!!
get real, tim.
u guys a so stupid
yor dum. i know. in order to get the flour to explode you need air in between it. and you need alot of it. making a grenade would prove difficult unless you had an explosive core to seperate the flour.
just take a long paper tube like raping paper pole or somthing and put a small candel in it cut slits in it so the candel burns and drop in a spoon of flour and boom.. tha candel is out.. :) i love nova.. :)
although a napkin is pobably easier to come by, the best thing you can use for these grenades is a women's nylon, but beware, nylon flour bombs can be picked up and re-used.
Better idea!!!! If you really want to wreck someones day get a water balloon and fill it with mustard. Mustard Bomb!
we did this at 2 in the mornin and stotted it off neighbours house. It was funny at the time. frm banks wild and ball
i didnt read this entire thing but maybe if you added some baking soda and carefully bagged vinegar so it can be easily broken on impact then you could have some messy shit
It would be cool to make a air gun that shoots flour wraped in a napkin to super antique the shit out of some one.
Oh ya, for those of you that don't know the art of antiquing is when you throw flour in someones face and they look like Michaelangelo's David or some shit like that. Most effective on passed out victims at other peoples house's.
I heard if you swallow amonia and bleach evryone will want to have sex with you. ya, even the guys. but you just gotta be like,"no". unless you like that kind of stuff, which is cool.
i like men
more power to you
To the person who said to swallow bleach and amonia...are you fucking retarded?? you will die if you swallow those chemicals, but if you beleive people will wanna have sex with you...hey Ill be checking the obituaries, have fun dieing buddy
Another version of this I used to make, was to empty out an egg shell by putting small holes in either end, blowing the egg out of it...rinsing it out, and letting it dry, put duct tape on one end, using a funnel, fill the shell with flower, the tape the other end...looks almost like an explosion when you throw it!!!
why not just use a PLASTIC easter egg thingy??? they crack open and you might be able to salvage a few and re-use them
lol that was so fucking osm!
if the flour becomes a fine enough dust light it...it is very flammable.or just light the end
Dudes, why not use a kleenex? Its more delicate and should bust easier than a napkin.
I wonder if you put some of those snap and pops from the 4th of July in the middle if it would be more "explosive"?????
Anyone wanna try?
flour is flammable so if you could catch it on fire or throw it near something on fire, when it mixes with the air right it will catch fire and will be almost like an explosion
Oh great and then you can burn the mother to death.
you all r idots
im afraid to try this on someone...they might call the cops!
Is it safe to have sex with the flour bomb?
why don't you fill it with sperm?
ive tried it is fun make sure you wear a condom
if you wet the middle of the flour it gets 'pasty' lol
whateer you do dont bring these to school i threw one at the nerd and missed hit the science teacher in the balls
Fuck Even i threw one and it hit a girl and she told the fukin princible Damn u Meagan!!
anyone ever tried to soak the napkin in alcohol and lighting it?
you can put in some pepper and throw it at their face and piss your self laughing!!!!!!!!
The whole point of the grenade is to blow in all directions.
Try using a few firecrackers inside it to achieve this. ;)
kinda lame needs more bang
instead fill the napkin with flour and take a whizz in it - this will give you that pasty texture as well as that sweet smell of discovery...or piss
put a chinese fire cracker in im gonna try 2morrow..... but if u wanna make a small bomb/grenade high nitrate fertilizer and good old wd40 and a fuse wrap it light it twat it away
I throw it at Mexicans and tell them it's anthrax. Thanks How 2!! You make our boarders safer!
haha anthrax
To the person who said to swallow bleach and amonia...are you fucking retarded?? you will die if you swallow those chemicals, but if you beleive people will wanna have sex with you...hey Ill be checking the obituaries, have fun dieing buddy
No alright asswhole obviously this guy was being sarcastic and making fun of the fact that this is way over rated...... u need to stop being mister point out the fucking obvious u fucking loser get a life go suck a dick
FA Sho
lol i still personally think this is funny as hell
I heard if you swallow amonia and bleach evryone will want to have sex with you. ya, even the guys. but you just gotta be like,"no". unless you like that kind of stuff, which is cool.
somtimes i throw poop at my friends.
i found a place that sells these for around $100 a gram.
Very cool. I always enjoy the interviews. Thanks for having this blog
Thank you for sharing this article. Awaited updatean next gan
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Thanks for sharing this article. Verry nice:)
Terimakasih infonya:)
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