
2) Get a pack of Mentos, the mint kind.
3) Make a paper tube that is the same diameter as the Mentos.
4) Put an index card under the tube, and fill the tube with Mentos.
5) Open the two-liter bottle.
6) Put the tube with the flashcard under it on top of the two-liter bottle and align the tube with the opening in the bottle.
7) Quickly remove the flashcard so that all of the Mentos fall into the two-liter bottle at once, and get out of the way.
8) Watch.
I saw the same thing in a TV show.
It's fun !
Very fantastic blog, by the way !
Some one should try putting on the cap and see how big a boom there is.
I went to Home Depot and got a 3/4 inch diameter copper tube about 1 foot long and it works perfectly for the fountain.
chris brown you should do a "how to...run it"
I tried this but it didn't spray this much:/ and i even used a diet coke. I think it was becouse of cold air. I'm going to put mentoses inside a paper bag and stuff it in the bottle, then put on the cap. Coke grenade ^^.
I'm gonna record it too.
or u can make a nozzel thing ang make a coke roket=)
Does anyone know if it makes a difference if the soda is cold or room temperature?
put a cap on and tehy shoot pritty high.
Haha, my teacher did this as a physics lesson, except they drilled small holes into the middle of the mentos. Not sure if it matters, but it was pretty cool. Awesome blog, great stuff I wanna try.
awesumm. i did this with a soda can. in school. cus with a can its not big or serious or anythin. just fun. but it was a pretty damn big fountain still. and with only 2 mentos's.
it is better if you chew one mento and then stick it to the cap the stick another mento on that put the cap on and then shake it so it falls in. then throw it on the grownd and it will shoot up 15-20 ft. on average but iv seen some go over houses
if you have a brand new roll of mentos then you can just slide the paper off so that its wrapped in that metal/tin/paper stuff.then drop the tube into a 2 litter bottle of DIET coke and quickly put the cap on and shake it for a good minute or untill the bottle gets so stiff that u cant press on it. then very gently unscrew the cap till you hear a ttsssssssss then throw it as hard as you can parralel to the ground(=) and it should go pretty damn far.
thats so funny/retarted/awsome!!
my science teacher taught my class how to do that. lol
really really kool blog!!
i like to put gum under the cap and between three mentos so they are stuck to the cap and hovering over the cola. then screw on the cap, tap it, and they will all fall in. then you can throw the bottle at the cround(cap first) and it will make a rocket.
i like to put gum under the cap and between three mentos so they are stuck to the cap and hovering over the cola. then screw on the cap, tap it, and they will all fall in. then you can throw the bottle at the cround(cap first) and it will make a rocket.
Poke a small hole in the cap, put a paperclip through (make sure u bend the end of the paperclip thats on the outside of the cap so it doesn't fall through) and put the paperclip through a couple mentos. Screw the cap on and pull the paperclip out. The mentos will fall into the diet coke and the small hole will cause a lot of pressure and it will shoot crazy high. Vary the size of the hole for best results.
i'm going to try this someday
Use rock salt much better reaction than mentos
Lol, or you could...
1. open can of soda, preferably diet Blah.
2. put in a mento.
does it make a different if it's mint flavor or other flavor ???
im doing that for a science project "what flavor mentos makes diet coke shoot higher" lol. imagine putting 20 mentos in it and put cap on.
Would a 1 liter diet coke bottle work to?
Put a Mentos in a 2 liter bottle of Diet Coke, put the cap on and shake it. Now open the bottle and quickly ram the 2 liter up your ass. Tell me the results of your mentos/diet coke enema.
try putting 25 mentos in shake it up put it in your mouth and tell me how it feels
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tune in =]
My advice to all you women out there who hate diets - apply for the next season of "Survivor".
Hi have a great day I'd like to know more about How To Make a Mentos/Diet Soda that is very interesting for me a career I'm studying at university and this issue is very good.
Wow it is a cool idea! I want to try it next week, I'll go to a party so If I show it to my friends they will be shocked, now I have to do it in my house because I need to practice the process, I'm so excited!
Next week I'll tell you how was the party!
Sure it was a wonderful weekend!, I'm happy for you!, your outfit is georgeous!
Hi there,I enjoy reading through your article post, I wanted to write a little comment to support you and wish you a good continuationAll the best for all your blogging efforts.
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Thank you for sharing this article. Awaited updatean next gan
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thanks for information
informasi yang sangat berguna sekali gan buat saya
Thanks for information gan
Thanks for sharing this article. Verry nice:)
Terimakasih infonya:)
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