Step 2. Paint the entire room white — including the floor.

Step 3. Paint a window on the floor, just for fun. Then let the paint dry overnight. (I used electrical tape to make the window frame and bars.)

Step 4. Bring in a couch, nail up a rug on the wall, and hang a table over it (we used monofilament thread from the hardware store).

Step 5. Add a poster and a light switch on the ceiling for effect. (We also threw in a fake power outlet mounted sideways on the far wall, which you can see in the first picture up top. The other outlet in that picture, which looks much too high to reach, damages the effect — I should have painted it white.)

Step 6. Reinstall the curtain rod and tack up the drapes to make them hang sideways. Stick some stuff to the table in a suggestive manner.

Step 7. Nail a trash bin high up in a corner of the room, and arrange some trash around it. "Lean" a broom against the ceiling (again using monofilament thread).

Step 8. Add a bookshelf and fill it with books. Also add an end table and hang a lamp on it.

Step 9. Suspend a ceiling lamp and its cord so it "hangs" sideways out of the opposite wall into the middle of the room. (Unfortunately, we don't have a good picture of this.)
Step 10. And the coup de grâce — affix a chair high on the wall (using metal L-brackets). This one change suddenly added a whole new level of vertigo. Standing in the room began to feel like floating overhead.

Step 11. Cackle evilly. Or giggle uncontrollably. Or both.
The whole thing took two days (one day for painting, one day for arranging everything else). Hope you enjoyed this as much as we did. This project really made me want to do crazy art installations for a living.

Original Tutorial by Zestyping.
Nice imagination ;) Even though it looks pretty sweet, I don't think I'd try it in my house anytime soon.
maybe you guys could use this, sometime ..
this is the stupidest idea ever.........ever
Nice. Ive now decided to have at least one "sideways" room in my future house, and invite guests over into it.
You've got too much time on your hands but I like it. Wish I could get round to doing something as daft as this. :-)
It's a superb artistic idea!
aww...now im having a headache
This such a waste
This such a waste
That's fantastic! Let's see if I can persuade my wife to let me redecorate the home :)
Anybody throw up in the room yet? :)
thats frigon sweet
I think I just fell in love with you. All of you for ever and ever.
you're so getting linkage from my blog tomorrow... this is the best idea ever! How do you come up with all of this stuff?
wow... so, where do you get your meth from?
I need another post from you guys soon, don't leave me hanging!
hehe i am giggling uncontrollable, thinking about my future home, (which i want to be crazy anyway, your idea fits in nicely)
hehe invite over some guests and tell them that its their room but sometimes in my house things can get a little crazy, :D that would be fun,
nice...you guys should be on the "extreme make-over" they would flip out
Thatz fawkin creative...ummm "applauds"
Who makes a sideways room? You must have a lot of time on your hands.
its cool, but how bout making an update to the site, its been months
yeah slackers. Get back to work, we are waiting you fekkers...
blates the best thing since sliced bread.
you should put the door sideways and leave it closed.
people will feel pulled to see why its sideways.
just looking at the pictures made me dizzy.
if i didnt have to actually use it id do my room like this
thats so cool! a bit of a waste of space and time but very cool!
LMAO I LOVE IT!! This is way too funny, I could really screw with some ppls heads doin this lol lol
This is so great! What a creative idea.
this is a cool idea, but who would waste the time and space to make an empty unuseable room. I bet the people who did it in the pictures are already using it for a storage room.
I think you should put a fish tank in there some how... That would make it even cooler
looks like a cool room to trip in
thats rubbish ur a clown and i would be surprised if u ever got out
j'adore!!!c'est genial
Cool. This is really cool.
My Blog
Sos un hijo de puta! Que ganas de perder el tiempo en semejante pelotudez! ahhhh y andate a lavar la pija sucio de mierda!
lol great room to do drugs in. everything would seem normal! lol
sweet! For version 1.1, you need to make the fake window the same proportions as the real one, that was the big spellbreaker for me.
I've long dreamed of taking a photo of a room, projecting it back onto the room but at a skew angle, then tracing the projection in paint. So when you stand at the door you subconsciously think the room's at a slight angle to what it's really at. I don't think I'll ever do it though, RL keeps intruding!
That is awsome
That looks awesome. I'd love to do this to one of the rooms in my house. Just imagine waking up and walking into a sideways room.
You just have to find a way of placing an LCD TV in place of the window, and have it broadcast from a webcam outside the party - so people can "see" outside...
If you have a party and someone passes out, drag them into that room. They wake up and think they are crazy.
that would be hilarious about the guy passing out. this is pretty cool, im doing this for a photo shoot, this helped a lot! good job!!
Hahahahah!!! that is so funny :p Great that you guys just did it :p
Can we say AWESOME APRIL FOOLS TRICK???? Thanks for the idea
this is so great! i think its incredibly creative and original and i love it!i would be so confused if i walked into a room like that id be like wait what? and probably get all dizzy and such!
Kudos to you guys for the creativity and imagination!
Great stuff, cant wait to see more!!!
Its super classic! effectively done!
that's so trippy xD
Nice, do you ever spill your drink when pouring in this room?
I think it looks kind of neat but I don't think I will hire you to decorate my place, lol!
You have got a lot of time to deal with but I favor this. Really wish i could engender rotund so that you can doing a little something equally daft as this.
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AWESOME. It would be cool if I could do this to a spare room or something
Your post really cool and interesting. Thanks very much.
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