Wednesday, July 19, 2006

How To Make a Secret Hollow Soda Can:

For this you will need:

  • Coke cans/soft drink cans/beer cans whatever you can find or want to use (these cans must be unopened)

  • Sharp scalpel or knife

  • Can opener

  • 1 bag of plaster of paris

  • 1 small glass jar with metal screw on lid (small spring valley bottles or those small jam bottles are good)

  • cup or jug

  • glue gun or strong super glue

Ok, now you have your materials, grab your unopened drink can and sharp knife/anything pointy and sharp.
Then on the bottom of the can make a small hole to drain the liquid out of the can (pic 1) into a cup or jug, this can be messy so start off with a small hole and slowly make it bigger. Once the can is empty we get to the tricky bit, I have ended up having to restart after this step.

Now to remove the top of the can. It’s actually not that hard once you know what you doing. Grab the can opener and grip it on the top of the can, making sure that the can opener is cutting the can part and not the top ’lid’ part. Some can openers won't allow you to cut like mine, but most will be able to do it properly.

Once you have cut this lid off, clean it up and wash the can out thoroughly. The lid may contain a few little dags of metal so remove those if necessary. Now, you should be left with an empty can and a lid that fits on the top flush.

Now, take the glass jar and remove the screwtop lid. Take the top of the can and glue the jar lid to the bottom. Wait until it dries and screw it on the jar to test to see if it strong enough.

Now to fill the can with the plaster. Mix it up in a bowl and you will only need enough to fill the can about half way. Then use a small bit of silicone or glue and patch up the hole we made in the bottom of the can, you don’t want any plaster leaking.

Take the top of the can with the lid glued to it and we screw it onto the jar. we then start to pour our plaster into the can filling it to about halfway. Once at half way, we take the jar and lid and place it in the can. This is to get the jar at the right height so it closes and looks like a normal can. If there is not enough plaster in the can, fill to the desired height and leave the lid on the can until the plaster has dried. We want the plaster to create a base for the jar but also hold it firmly inside the can. The plaster should cover at least half of the jar.

After few hours, check to see if the plaster has dried. If it has, slowly unscrew the lid off the top of the can to test to see if the jar has held. Test screwing the lid on and off a few times just to see if everything is held and that is pretty much it.

You can modify the can and make it a bit more stealthy, and that is to add a water (or any other type of liquid) pack to the bottom of the can and plaster over it. This creates a liquid sound inside the can when it is shaken, so it even sounds real.

Article by RemadE.


Anonymous said...

Well now we know how to hide our drugs and distribute them, i mean our "candy", oh hell you know what i mean. ive seen one of these when he cops brought it in our school to teach antidrugs crapola. nothing new but i still wanted to know how to make one of those. Cool tutorial thanks how to make stuff!

Anonymous said...

Perfect to go alone with the carved out book. I'm not too sure about the liquid pack, but it might work.

Calvin said...

Pretty neat, although I don't have any plaster of paris at my place. Pretty good guide, I just wish you would update more often :/

Anonymous said...

would be good if i had somthing to hide...

Anonymous said...

wicked cool trick'my son would love this one,still in afgan;fighting to come home,,,,,,,,,,,,,soon 'I hope''''''''''mom

Anonymous said...

haha, watch out, I got sprayed in the face with beer puncturing the hole in the bottom

Anonymous said...

any suggestions for getting the top off?, i keep punctioning through the top partthat sticks out and looks bad wen i ifinish

Anonymous said...

Heya, the hole in the bottom leaves an obvious trail that an 'empty can' is created. Although for the most part this doesn't matter as closer inspection of the can would possibly reveal that the can's been tampered with. But what about making the hole right under the rim, where you're going to can-open the can anyway? Or would it not be possible to just can-open the can straight from the beginning and pour the liquid out? Just a couple of thoughts. Nice tutorial!

Anonymous said...

The point of having the small hole in the bottom and not opening the can is so it blends in with other cans of soda. That is what make the can so stealthy. You put the can with other cans in the fridge, a cooler, the pantry. It will be overlooked, you know if someone was looking. Jeez you missed the whole reason you'd even make the can. Thanks for the slick idea, and like the others said, POST MORE often because this site is pretty damn cool.

Anonymous said...

thats so stupid where the hell am i going to get a soda can?

Anonymous said...

if only i had a reason to do this.
couldnt you just remove the top with the can opener then pour it out?

I will make this, with the cut out book. but i dont know if they will ever see purpose other than cool stealthness

Anonymous said...

This worked really well for me: I used an exacto knife to cut through the top without draining the can. This kept it under pressure so the can didn't dent while I pressed down on it. Also, it's easier to see when you cut through a portion of the can because the liquid inside will start fizzing out.

Anonymous said...

WTF happened to this site?

Anonymous said...

i made a can out of 55 gallon drum and people thought we had regular oil in it. so cool to stash really small filipinos or kids in them. pretty soon we are going to make stash cans out of shoe boxes!!! thansk for the great info!

Anonymous said...

i agree with the guy 2 comments ago

Anonymous said...

ya that guy 3 comments ago has the right idea. now how do you line up the little jar lid prefectly on the can 'lid', and the postioning of the jar in the can. i guess its common sense but its hella hard.

Anonymous said...

nice home made can, but for 10$ or less u can just go buy one..

also wtf is up with the last post, i get the credit card one, u hide CC's in the can, blah, come on u know anyone that has one of the cans is gonna be hiding pills in it or pot or whatever. ;)

Zach said...

This site is i violation of our Terms of Service. You must cease and desist providng this information before we are required to inform the authorities about this content.

Blogger Staff

Anonymous said...

Nice tek, but no need for that hole in the bottom. It could be done nicely by cutting of the top and then pouring out the liquid!

Anonymous said...

""ya that guy 3 comments ago has the right idea. now how do you line up the little jar lid prefectly on the can 'lid', and the postioning of the jar in the can. i guess its common sense but its hella hard. """"

u could just put the lid on the jar after the plaster step is done and then glue the pop can top on so you know right where it will go

Anonymous said...

it's pretty cool and I have everything I got , except for a water pack which makes the right sound when shaking and which has to be small enough to fit in the can, can someone help me here , please , thank you

Anonymous said...

Does anybody know a really good tool to open the can lid, i've tried 3 different can-openers and different types of cutters and knifes but every time it turns out shit. someone's probably going to answer that maybe I have no skill I really do try my best. Please could someone help me on this one?

Anonymous said...

a good trick for the hole in the bottom on the can is to use the sharp point on the edge of some hand sharpeners to make a really small hole on the inside rim on the bottom of your can.

Anonymous said...

lol your violating terms of service maybe thats why he hasent been posting

Anonymous said...

put some water and air in a small ziplock bag... not the smallest teensy one, but maybe half the size of ziplock sandwich bag. Then just push it down into a thin layer of plaster before pouring more plaster in.

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Anonymous said...

what happened to this site. there hasnt been anything new on it for like a year.

Anonymous said...

getting the top of the can is hell

Sinu S Kumar said...

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Anonymous said...

nice. i made one for me and one for my friend. once you get the top off its easy. you can get a bunch of plaster of paris for $2.50 at walmart.

Anonymous said...

try to make one about how to build a RAFT...that would be

Anonymous said...

you guys need Jesus!
if u havent come to him just ask for forgivness and for him too come into your life. i know it sounds simple but thats all it takes to be with him when your time comes to go. that, and to continue letting him live through you and fufiling you purpose. God doesnt want us to hate each other, he loved us enough to send his only son to die. Jesus lived a perfect life. when we sin were separated from God cause he is holy. when we are forgiven, he doesnt see us and all the bad things weve done, he sees Jesus and his perfect life.
When i die ill finaly be home with my family and Jesus

Unknown said...

Dude, I'm a Christian too, and as much as I'd like the lost to be saved, you can't do it like that. Don't spam forums like that, that'll just make them hate Christians. But yeah, I totally drenched myself with dr. pepper when doing this.

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Karlan said...

Adding plaster/stone "slurry"
or sodium chloride (salt) will
help the plaster set in under 20 minutes; little dental technician trick

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Excellent article! It’s just what i needed to understand. Have a nice day!!

Anonymous said...

will it work if insted of using plaster you simply fill most of the can with water. i feel like it would make it sound more real even if the jar isnt held down as well??

Anonymous said...

Well why would you need a hole in the first step if you're just going to cut the top off with a can opener. This also makes your later step about putting liquid in it completely pointless. This is a good idea, nonetheless, and I've already made one. Thanks.

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a good trick for the hole in the bottom on the can is to use the sharp point on the edge of some hand sharpeners to make a really small hole on the inside rim on the bottom of your can. Personal Injury Attorney Houston

Anonymous said...

where is the lock ?? can you make a lock on the bottom of can or the top??? where is the lock!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

what about the lock?? does it have a lock???

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Anonymous said...

nice idea but what if some one takes your ''secret stash'' can instead of one that has the drink in it, ever thought about that?

Anonymous said...

Just buy 1 at
only about $9 and they are frickin awesome for hidin sht. good luck tryin ths :P

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Anonymous said...

Slick I wondered how they make these.

Anonymous said...

Lets try again shall we?


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Anonymous said...

You turn can upside down so carbonation will not try to come out through bottom dumb ass

Anonymous said...


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Anonymous said...

You can slowly cut the rim off and take the top off and pout the liquid out with having to puncture the bottom at all.

Miranda B. said...

Nice but to all the people that are saying you can just buy one for $9. i made 4 of them and made $40 off them so yea.... its better and cheaper to make them... also i drunk the soda first and when i glued the jar lid i just pushed the little tab thing back up to cover the mouth hole

Anonymous said...

i finger myself.

Anonymous said...

Im going to sell meth and coke in this can. thanks for the tutorial! mabet even some bank money

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Mark said...

Made one from an empty soda can. Just had to reset the open tab before gluing the lid of the bottle to it. Used a plastic bottle with a metal lid with a seal inside, and the white expanding "Gorilla Glue" which worked better than regular "Gorilla Glue". Next time I will try with a can opener and just pour out the contents. One thought, perhaps if you do puncture the bottom of the can to empty it, tap down the puncture from the inside back to flush and then silicon from the inside. You can trim the bottom later. As for the comment about putting the bottle in first and then adding the lid, by gluing the lid to the cover first as close to center as you can, and then when dry screwing the cover back on the bottle and then inserting the bottle into the plaster you ensure the original can top lines up with the can and you achieve the maximum depth into the can. Make sure you put a weight on the top while drying to ensure the bottle doesn't "float" up. This will also make sure your can/cover cut line is tight.

Anonymous said...

I'm gonna make money from this. Thanks internet!

Anonymous said...

Hmm I wanna try this. I was thinking of slightly opening the top, just enough to let the carbination out then using the can opener. Also to get the jar cap and jar to stay I think im gonna use that jb weld stuff. Good tutorial!

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Anonymous said...

I used sheet metal cutters and cut the top rim just deep enough then u can use scissors to bring it down further. Use another can for the unopened lid, just roughly cut it off with about an half an inch of tin on it then cut a tear almost to the lid and start peeling it. Should leave a perfect lid. Had the same issue as u

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