Look at your lighter. Where the safety meets where the flame comes out, you will see two metal prongs that meet in the middle.

Using a pair of pliers, or a screwdriver, or a pencil or anything else you can, carefully pry both prongs up so that they point ninety degrees from their original position.

The safety on the lighter should now protrude slightly. Using your pliers, or just your fingers, grab the safety and pull it back towards the back of the lighter.

Gently wiggle the safety back and out until it comes free from the lighter.

Gently fold the two prongs back down to their original position.

You are now done! Enjoy your improved lighter.

That's cool! Nicely explained. Pics help. Thanks.
does this make your lighter fluid burn faster?
No it doesn't make it burn faster. It simply makes it easier to light as the child safety portion is removed.
HA! your flies open..
yay! free show!
those are REALLY gay shorts.I wouls sugest wearing better close when you post pictures of yourself on the internet.Oh but nice post tho pics helped thnx!<3
none of our lighters in South Africa gets sold with a safety. This is actually the first time i see it. lol.
Hi, Nicely explained. I feel as if i had some chips already
a house key works well also :)
your fly's open
pic 1 has a woodie if you look hard enough
If you grab the safety with needle nose pliers at the base where the gas button is and just yank it out you can save yourself the trouble of bending the top prongs back down. took me a few years to realize that. I hate those safety things if a kid really wants to get a lighter to work they will.
I use a P38 can opener that can be found at your local army-navy surplus store.
I carry it on my key chain.
and its great for opening a non-twist cold one too.
I use a key ring on my keychain, loop it through the saftey like it were a key then pull up so the wottom comes out first then the hooked part falls right out, it usually takes about 4 seconds total, 3 to loop it 1 to yank it.
ur fli is down
thanks kido cute blog :)
Yes it definitely gives a smoother light so I prefer it this way. If I want it to look unique I can just put a sticker on it.
Your card is just beautiful -- and what a lovely gift. Any woman would be thrilled to receive this.
Thanks for you inspiration.
Hats off, thank you for showing this procedure. I'll try this in my lighter.
Great suggestions and i certainly appreciated to read through this article content, its a good leisure.
Hello, it is very cool.
Love it. http://www.electronic-lighter.com/
What about refillable lighters? Are do those have a safety also? If so, how does one remove them?
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