Sunday, September 28, 2008

How to Make Your Own (Healthier) Potato Chips:

Everyone loves potato chips. The only things more American are Natural Light and arson. We thought we would share our way of making our own potato chips with you. They are HALF the price, HALF the fat, TWICE the flavor, and TWICE as awesome- plus you can make them any kind of crazy flavor you want to. They are healthier and tastier because they are baked, not deep-fried. Baked chips are expensive in stores, but you can make them for next to nothing.

1) Get some potatoes. I used the little tiny ones, but you can use whatever you have laying around. Experiment to find out which ones you like best.

2) Wash your potatoes. Peel them if you want to, but I like to leave the skin on.

3) Slice the potatoes between one-eighth and one-sixteenth inches thick (about 2-6 mm for you non-American readers), use a mandolin if you have one. Thickness is something that you can experiment with, it's mostly preference, but it has a pretty big effect on cooking time.

3) Put all of your sliced potatoes into a bowl. Add about a teaspoon of your favorite oil (I like olive oil).

4) Toss the potato slices in the oil. Slowly add more oil and toss if you need to. Go with about a teaspoon at a time. Only add enough to coat, if you have oil pooling in the bottom of the bowl, you have added too much.

5) Get a baking pan and cover it with aluminum foil. Spray that foil with your favorite non-stick spray. If you don't the chips will stick, and will be really hard to remove.

6) Lay your oil-coated potato slices in a single layer on the baking sheet.

7) Heat your oven to 400 degrees (F), set the timer for twenty minutes. This isn't the total cooking time, since we will watching them to see when they are done.

8) Put the potatoes into the oven and keep an eye on them. They are done when the edges start to curl up. I like mine a little more crispy, so I left mine in a little longer. It's another personal preference thing that you can play around with.

9) When the chips are done, pull them out and set them aside to cool. If you want to put some seasoning on them, this is the time to do it. Most people will add a little salt, but you can get creative with your toppings. I like mine with some black pepper and Old Bay seasoning.

10) Enjoy your chips!


Anonymous said...

You have a very thourough, and in-depth writing style. The pictures you add to your posts will sooner or later catch on and attract repeating visitors. Great post on how to make potato chips :) love the pictures.

All your tiger are belong to us. said...


Jennifer said...

Thanks for the helping this NON-Cooker!

daydream24 said...

I was impressed at how detailed your instructions were and how easy they were to follow. However, does this blog make you money? Learn how to start making money through your blog. Hope you'll succeed in the blogging world. If you do, please don't forget to remember me. :)

Anonymous said...

Just made some chips from your recipe last night. Awesome! They tasted great and all my friends loved em.

Junior said...

Great stuff here;
I hope you will keep on postin,
september/november? huh get back !

Anonymous said...

i always thought you'll just fry it on a deep frying pan..never thought it could be done this way..which will make the potato not so saggy.

Anonymous said...

This is incredible. And i just purchased a machine for tato chips. Its amazing Hold the phone, what's this? You can make your own potato chips without the need for a deep fryer? Unbelievable. This Japanese microwave potato chip maker includes everything you need to—say it with me—make your own potato chips. Simply cut up a potato or two into thin slices using the included slicer, pop them into the rack and microwave it for six minutes: out pop your very own potato chips. Mmm mmm.

Eat your heart out, Pringles guy! Now if only there were a microwave honey roasted sesame stick maker. I'd be in heaven. Again, my Japanese language skills appear to have deserted me, but I think you snag this from Amazon Japan for just around $10

Unknown said...

Very like this.

Anonymous said...

nice oven

guineviere jeanne low said...

I want to try how to make it!

Laurie M said...

You have me convinced. I'm making these chips tomorrow night....have to buy the potatoes first!

Anonymous said...

great chips! kinda? my oven runs hot so it sort of burned them slightly.... still yummiloious! =]

Anonymous said...

delish, but, some of them turned out burned
How do you cut the chips perfectly like you did?

Unknown said...

@Anonymous, 12:28 AM

With a cheese slicer.

Anonymous said...

My mother just told me that if you soak the potato slices overnight in water in the fridge, the starch gets drawn out and you'll be eating less calories. I know this to be true as I used to soak my horses hay, and the leftover water was very sugary.

viagra online said...

I think it is a great idea to make potato chips at home because you can have healthier potato chips, and it is cheaper. Next time I plan a movie night with my friends, I will make potatoe chips.

Cecil Belle, 乐台风 said...

I can't wait until I live where I have an oven again! I can get (possibly) baked sweet potato chips where I live, but I KNOW they're adding sugar to them :-(

I have been craving Terra chips for ages, but they are awfully expensive! Have you tried this with beets, blue potatoes or taro root before?

Joshua said...

How long do they last? I know I love.chips, and wonder how long in advance that I need to cook them? Also; does the placement in the oven matter?

TheToxicity said...

Exactly Why I Love This Site!
Too bad nothing new is up, wonder what happened To It...

Anonymous said...


Shaun said...

Used a bbq seasoning recipe i found but they wanted fried and i have no oil for my fryer, i cam across your blog and am amazed that someone actual gave not only easy to follow instructions keeping a simple recipe simple but pictures, was a great help. will definately be checking for any other recipes you may have.

Runescape Gold said...

That is amazing. So i simply just got such a machine to get tato chips. It's astounding Offer the cellphone, what's this particular? You can make your own personal chips without making use of an in-depth fryer? Incredible. That Japanese people micro-wave spud processor chip maker involves offerings to?asay this using me?amake your personal poker chips. Merely cut up a potato or two into slender cuts with all the integrated slicer, soda them to the stand as well as stove the idea with regard to half dozen min's: out soda your own special casino chips. Mmm mmm.

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Anonymous said...

mmm,..... i made these chips and they where excellent

Anonymous said...

Excellent recipe. and i love the first step. "Get some Potato's" Great Job mate!

Princess said...

Sounds great, thanks for sharing!

Anonymous said...

Lookin and the recipe and lovin it! Gonna ty it tonight!

Unknown said...

I am going to try this! and also for the seasoning I will try cheese powder, and the ranch power! yummy!

Anonymous said...

I thank you x1,000,000!!!! Awesome post, description and photos. Well done ^_^

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LaurBuc said...

I can't wait to try it!

My only question is: Why 20 minutes on the timer???

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