DISCLAIMER: In this article you are going to be cutting up an aluminum can. The pieces are really sharp. Be careful. We don’t take any responsibility for you cutting yourself.
DISCLAIMER II: We wrote this article really fast, so our can sleeve doesn’t look very good. This really takes some time to do. Our results turned out ok, no one noticed that we weren’t actually drinking Dr. Pepper, but the more time and effort you put into this the better it will look.
- Get a soda can.
- Cut the top and bottom off of the can. Cut along the blue lines in the picture below. I used a utility knife for both sides, but if you have a can opener that cuts from the side, that works best for taking the top off. You’re on your own for the bottom. You want to cut right along the line where the printed label meets the silver aluminum part.
- It should look something like this:
- Cut the can lengthwise using a pair of sharp scissors. You want to cut it where the label overlaps, this is right beside the nutrition facts. (I realize that in the picture below, I hadn’t cut the bottom off yet, but you should. It works better)
- You should now have a big rectangle of aluminum. It should just be the label. Trim up an excess aluminum if you can.
- Roll the can up so that it is tight. This will make it stay over the can tightly. My cuts aren’t very clean. I did this really fast, you might want to take a little bit more time to make your cuts cleaner than mine. This is the time that you want to smooth out any wrinkles in the can too.
- Slip the sleeve around your beverage of choice
- Enjoy!

This post was inspired by this youtube video by www.hellosmarty.com.