You will need: A pencil, ample amount of scotch tape, a one dollar bill (the crisper the better), and most importantly common sense. Common sense will be needed to not get yourself into trouble, as in don’t use this method in areas of high traffic, areas patrolled by authority, areas under video surveillance, or anywhere where the “free” drinks can be tied to you.
1) Draw two strands of tape about 4 feet each (1.3 meters if you’re foreign).
2) Tape the top of the dollar bill with one of the strands, and then stretch this strand out.
3) Tape the bottom of the bill with the other strand, and stretch it out.
4) Find the middle of the strands and place the pencil across it.
5) Carefully double over each strand of tape, so that the tape is not sticky on either side, and the dollar bill is taped on the top and bottom, on both sides.
6) Find the oldest vending machine that you can, in a safe place.
7) Insert the dollar bill.
8) Wait for the dollar bill to be read, and make your purchase.
9) Slowly but firmly pull the pencil back out of the machine.
10) Receive your free object.
11) Repeat a couple times.
12) Don’t do this continually on the same one, or the same spot, or somebody will get suspicious.
7) Insert the dollar bill.
8) Wait for the dollar bill to be read, and make your purchase.
9) Slowly but firmly pull the pencil back out of the machine.
10) Receive your free object.
11) Repeat a couple times.
12) Don’t do this continually on the same one, or the same spot, or somebody will get suspicious.
1 – 200 of 249 Newer› Newest»Discretion is definitely key here,
because this degree of criminal activity carries with it a high penalty.
If caught, you may be asked to pay for the goods you stole, or even forced to write a formal apology to the owners of the vending machine.
keep this sh** on the dl people
With really old change machines, you used to be able to fold and slice a bill in such a way that it would recognize the dollar amount, and then reject the bill, giving you free quarters. I remember doing both of these as a kid. Memories...
Theres no way that would work, I used to work for a company that serviced vending machines. That wouldnt work on any model. You could, however, cheat some old dollar bill validators by cutting a small notch at a certain spot of a bill. The machine would accept it and give you the credit, then realize it was a damaged bill and spit it back out. The saltwater thing doesnt work anymore either. A diamond-tipped drill bit does however.
Here's how to do it without money at all:
Get an index card, and cut it to the width of a dollar bill. Get nail polish remover, and put a few stripes of it down the top (the side where the laser reads) of the card. The nail polish remover helps the card conduct the same current as a dollar would to the laser, and the machine will accept the card as a dollar. If it doesn't work, you'll get the card back.
Do not do this more than 3 times at one machine, especially if it's one that you frequently go to. People begin to wonder why there are index cards in the dollar container.
throughout highschool, i stole dozens of sodas and juices out of vending machines using a rediculouslly easy method. all vending machines have that plastic flap that keeps you from reaching your arm up into the machine. if this flap is up, it will keep anything from falling down. simply cram a piece of paper (or whatever) up into the hinge, to hold the flap up. when lazy people purchase a pop, nothing will fall, because the bottle will be stopped by the flap. some people will shake the machine, but nothing will happen. others will reach an arm up there, and not feel anything. after a few people have lost their money, just un-jam the flap, and all the free juices will fall for you to enjoy. this only works if youre ok with stealing from people.
An even easier way is to jam some cardboard into the coin return slot, just within your reach. As people get change, it falls in there and won't come out. Later in the day go to the machine and collect.
lol, i was just going to suggest the cardboard (or paper towel) in the change slot, someone beat me to it.
What I did a few years ago was I got about 3 feet of fishing line and hot glued it it a quarter. You have to make sure the glue doesn't go too far out from the egde or it doesn't get recognized as a quarter. You drop the quarter in there and then pull it out and the machine gives you credit.
"this only works if youre ok with stealing from people"
...what did you think you were doing before, stealing from Coke or Pepsi? No, the machines are owned by individuals, who have already payed for the soda or whatever in the machines. All the loss comes out of an individual's pocket, not some giant corporation's.
haha I love free stuff!!! Biotch
how about stealing from people!
Remember people we are talking $.25 and soda's not Cars and Bank vaults.
I guarantee this trick used to work on Pepsi and Coke machines. We used it for 2 years on the machines at our high school in the SF Bay Area, between 1990 and 1992. They were high-volume machines (probably serving a few hundred cans per machine per day), so they didn't notice a few "misfires" a day. We would get 6 or 8 sodas each, share what we didn't consume with friends, and used the change from the dollar (35 cents per soda) in the cafeteria.
Our technique was slightly different. We used heavy, clear packing tape, and made a "tail" about 2 feet long. We found that the tape should only cover the 3/16" unprinted border of the dollar, and that crisp, new bills worked best. The Coke machines had a few relays that made loud clicks. The trick was to quickly snatch the bill back between the second and third click. After the third click, a roller on a one-way clutch would start drawing the bill past the reader into a storage box, and it would tear the bill (or the tape). We had to snatch it out quickly, or lose the dollar.
We got a few glipses inside the machines after a few "jams". The girls' PE coach was in charge of maintaining and filling the machines, and once or twice she caught us trying to use what we called "Groovy Dollars". She really didn't give a shit, though...I think she was looking forward to retiring. She just opened the machine and pulled out whatever part was left in it, and told us not to do it again.
This is a really stupid idea where the hell am i sopost to get sticky tape
you can access the vendor controls on (new) vending machines by pressing the sequence as shown: 1234. Sounds easy? Well the buttons are aranged in a shuffled manner:
[3]diet coke
if the butttons are sideways then you must begin from either side.
When accessed, the scrolling text that says, "Ice cold coke, 42 degrees of diabetes causing high fructose corn syrup" you will see an error message. You will not be prompted, so you must know to enter [4] to escape to the main menu. You may have to do this twice. Have fun messing around, unless the delivery guy is lazy and has it programmed from the inside to let the machine access more discreet functions from the outside, you can't do a lot. Maybe reprogram the date or temperature display. But if its unlocked you can get free change, soda, change prices, and hosts of other politically nihlist acts. Or juvenile delinquent acts. Free information.
Yikes, this method is OLD. My friends and I made thousands (yes, thousands) of dollars off this in 1991 by going to hotels and hitting every machine on every floor and then moving on. After a few months, we got busted for robbery (yes, it's considered robbery). Had to pay restitution, community service, etc.
Some of you guys.....
Nail polish is NOT CONDUCTIVE brainianc!
And they don't use LASERS to do the scanning, it's a CCD, like solid state camera. It's a line scanner. Some of them use magnetic heads to pick up some of the magnetic ink on the bill.
(yeah, bills have magnitic ink on the, you can pick it up with a magnet)
It'll "read" the bill just like a tape player reads the tape.
Some of you kids are so full of crap.
I used to work on change boxes and coin returns.
You simply can not tie a string to one (by any method) and then pull it back out.
You have been watching too many cartoons.
(and you're a liar)
Now the dollar bill thing, maybe, if as mentioned, you pull it back out at the right time.
But also only as mentioned, only on older machines.
u people are so stupid, just do it the old fashioned way, break it open and steal what ever you want!!
lol, this is going out to the person that said to just break it open and take it, your a complete retard, you can't just take a crobar and break it open, theres always some1 there, I bet you 6,000 dollars theres not 1 machine in the world that doesn't have at least 1 person 20-40- feet away from it. These strategies are supposed to be STEALTH-LIKE! Now, everyone else did a good job, o ya, and btw, to the retard that thinks machines dont scan a dollar bill, they do retard, a dollar bill has 3 layers, and in the middle there is a code, that's why its hard to make conterfit money you fucking bafoon, the laser reads the dollar like it reads a CD! so why dont YOU stop lying you stupid fuck, everyone else, good job.
-With Love,
hahaha wow i love this.. alright im goin to high school now and i see some of the geeky kids always getting free shit and they wont really tell me... we got fairly new machines... if someone out there knew a way to get some free shit outa the new er vending machines that'd be great thanks guys
Why don't we just buy our soda? It isn't really worth it to steal. And if most of the time the tape just jams the machine.
Shut the hell the soda..fool please!...steal the dam thing its easy!
Shut the hell the soda..fool please!...steal the dam thing its easy!
we need to find a way to steal from the newer machines
For coke machines.
Only for the ones where you must type "a6 or d7" or something.
Type 4231
A menu apears, the arrows differ from machine to machine.
You can empty the coin box, get free drinks, and even turn off the machine!.
Good luck
to get the soda from the newer machines it is really easy, the owner has to be lazy, like a principal or somthing
insert 1 dollar bill then quickly before the machine reads it press the first button the fourth button the second button then the third button in that order. the menu will come up instead of " 1.00 " change the price of a soda to 10.00 dollars then press change back, you should get 10.00 dollars back, then buy a soda with your newly found money.
Dan, you're a tard. How do lasers pick up the magnetic signature? lol - like the guy who corrected you said, it has a RW head similar to the ones in cassette decks - that reads accross the bill, to pick up the magnetic signature - that's how it tells the difference between a 5 and a 1 - not some whacked out laser that can read magnetic ink, you moron!
Fuck all of that just put your foot through the fucken thing lol im from the uk and some of the coke machines crash and spill change if you press the top coke button 2ce and the 2nd one once real quick.
hi im from australia and so al this stuff is great if u have doller bills but we ill try the 4231 thing
Does anyone know how to get stuff from the new pepsi vending machines??(ones with the pictures of the drink on the buttons)if u can do it with canadian bills even better but I don't mind if not. POST ASAP!!
I've worked in the vending industry, servicing and repairing machines.
1. Dollar bills are not made in 3 layers. They are a sinngle sheet of cotton paper.
2. Bill acceptors do not use lasers. The poster about the CCD scanner was correct. The scanner sensitivety can be adjusted from low to high. Some older units, at the very lowest setting, can be fooled with a bw photo copy. At the highest settings only the straightest, crispest, newest, cleanest bills will be accepted.
3. The tape trick will not work. Some acceptors will sense the bill is too thick and kick it out. If the bill is accepted, most machines "stack" the bill (that final whirr-whhirr-thunk" you hear) before showing your credit. You won't be able to pull the bill back out from the stacker.
4. A lot of these machines are run by small business people. The profit per item is about 7 cents/item. If you steal one 75 cent item, then another 11 items need to be sold to cove
So ur supposed to just type in 4231. Well I heard that that is just a normal thing written in the manual. It is used to help the workers know how many sodas are left and how money is in the vending machine. And the whole idea of getting it is getting soda when u do not have any. friend taught me how to do this, its kinda hard tho and might take $1 or so to master it. But anyway here it is. Put 4 quarters in the machine (or however much tha soda is, choose the cheapest) and and at the same time select ur soda press the change return button and u should have a soda and 4 quarters...BTW, i have never done this myself...but my friend has and he taught me how to do....i lied and said i would try, i didnt really want to caltholic and i dont do that kinda stuf. so u retards that do steal, try this...but think it really worth paying $$$ or doing community service, just for a friken' soda?! think guyz...but im not stoppin ya...use my friends idea if u want. >.<
How to get a free coke:
Take your cell phone
Turn it on
then have someone call the cell phone
you have to be within 15 yards of the soda machine
while the call is on the line, go to the soda machine, unplug it, then instantly plug it back in.
Now on the menu, it should say "Vending" then it will start spitting out free quarters
^^ i got 400$ from this once and like 40 cokes :)
As far as I know there is no way that can work. I would like to see a coke machine spit out 400$ and i need the money so ill try it anyway ☺
There (or rather, "their") are so many mental defects posting here.
"Take your cell phone"
"turn it on"
"then have someone call the cell phone"
Why the fuck wouldn't you just write "have your cellphone on and get someone to call you". Stupid wordy fucks wasting space with crap. God damnit.
i think we all are fuckin tards. its just a fuckin soda. i like the idea of takin the money though...
*laughs* I've never tried any of these, but we *have* used the 4231 trick to change the money units on the machine to. . . Denari, i think it was ;)
Best of luck to all of you, I'll def. try some of these and post back on my results.
Yeah, really the soda is a consolation prize, but hey, if you can keep getting free stuff with out paying for it, you should do it. Just don't get caught or do it occasionally.
I know someone who works for Pepsi who steals money out of the vending machines..... he has been doing it for over 5 years and he's my ex-husband. He steals about $700-$1000 a week from them. He turns off the meters inside of the machine and comes back a week later and calculates how much he can take without making it obvious. I want to get him in jail.... he's a fucker-
I want to know how to open the damn machine. I heard you use a pen tube and rotate it around the tubular key hole and set the pins. Any Ideas on how to open any vending machine from the tubular key hole then let your knowledge on it be heard.
seams stealth is the key to all these
machines so hows about this for an idea unplug it stick a sack barrow under it wheel it off open at leasure and run the remains to the scrap yard insurance pays all, every one wins woohoo free shit from steve in london:)
its just a goddamn dollar.
Two words:
Salt Water
I've used saline before in the coin slot, but homemade salt water works wonders. It starts spitting out all (no exaggeration) of its soda and change.
im a twelve year old kid in aus and i used to go to my dads work and rip off the machines with the rite size washers, once i found one that was the exact shape as a two dolla coin. anyway i got about 12 cans before they changed machine rock on c yas
Best trick in the book
I have built this device: a coin with a 1 millimetre hole drilled near the rim and a length of dental floss tied to it. If the machine reads the weight, well I suppose the missing metal is quite within tolerance. Well, I've not used the thing yet and I wonder if the machine can trap the coin with the string and all. In that case, I suppose I'll just drive away quickly!
hey i went on to a coke machine and i got to the menu but where do you go from there to get free stuff or change the price?
u press on the suck dick and lick my ass number. then u can fuck urself until the machine gets bored and just starts shootin out cokes and money
The salt water trick does actually work. But only on older machines with the solid coin slots now with the newer machines they have kinda like a drain off slide so it can't get to it. The coke thing works with the 4231 or whatever it was. I have made an older can machine spit out all the drinks. I have also achived lowering the price on one machine.
or you could get a gun, walk in a gas station, point it at the teller, and take what you want. it's the same concept.
boob boob boob boob boob boob hi wiener dick
at my school the pop machine has a belt on an elevator which runs up to a certain level, gets the pop then runs to the door on the side and the belt moves the pop towards it. just hold the door shut and the machin will refund ur money while the pop is still on the belt
put the money back in and get another pop and two will come out
oh yeah bye the way some of u guys are stupid ass mother fuckers i am 13 and u tards are bullshittin like crazy
i dont know if this has been posted before but if it has tell me k.
well i know that on some coke machines even the newer ones that if you look on the back of the machine there might be a little black box. and in that box there might sometimes but not always be a spare key in that black box magnetized in it. and you will be able to open up the machine and take all the money and even as many drinks as you want. i did this at my buddies appartment and took $132.00 in 1 dollar bills and took 6 drinks from the machine also. but do this when it is late or when there are barely any people around at that time. it might tk a sec to find the bill container.
for the new coke machines that have a conveder belt you can put your money in and select the thing you want and then reach up the hole where they drop the item and hold the flap down eventually it will stop and give your money back do it again put take both things that come out 2 or 3 for the price of one
fuck all of u im poor and i dont need to be stealing shit...especially from vending machines..dumbasses..if your ganna steal something...steal something valuable..and from rich people dont give a fuck cuz there rich..
im jus playing do whatever the fuck u want..
lol, im totally going to do this. people who say things like " or you could get a gun, walk in a gas station, point it at the teller, and take what you want. it's the same concept. " is just being gay, taking the fun out of everything, and is just being gay. wtf are you thinking, you fuckin shitwad!you fuckin anti-social penis!
I used to do this all the time....
JUst go up to a coke machine and press432112311 and hold the coin button for 10 seconds then let go and the money will pour out
ok so...... i never did this before but my friend did and it works. ok so the new machines that have the arm and go and grab it and carry it to the slot where it drops it are teh machines u do this shit on. well u stuff ur hand in the place where u recieve ur pop or whatever and make sure the pop dont get thru. the machines are smart enof where they no u didnt reciever ur pop so they give u back ur credit and the pop that u blocked will fall to the bottom and stay there tehn u get another pop and block it until ur done they have these in hotels so do it at night when theres no clerks lol my freind got liek 500 dollars worth of pop in like 1 hour lol we were set for vacation tell me if this works for u email me at
alls yalls has to do is when nobody is lookin take a crobar to the vender machine and take all the fuckin shit you want srry i have terets. WHORE!!! STEal CHEAP PEPSIS DKLSF:JDSKL:FJKSDL PENIS DICK LICKER. AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH MONEY MONEY MONEY STEAL SOME MULAH LICK BALLLS AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHI HOPE YOU CHOKE ON A COCK YOU THIEVVES AHHHHHHHHHHHHHh. lol jk its not stealing if you dont get caught.
k guys so obviously the coin pull back trick aint gonna work but when i was in high school like a year ago we had brand new snack machines. insert money select what you want as the snack falls unplug the machine before the snack reaches the bottom. replug it and the machine will reboot with 1 credit still remaining. hit coin return or get a few more snacks. this works because in some of the new models they put lasers towards the bottom to detect falling snacks but if theres no power when the snack falls by. no snack ever fell according to the machine. hence still 1 credit when the machine is rebooted.
I'm from south africa and it doesn't really matter what method you use to steal yr coke, in the end, it'll get stolen by the person next to you anyway
ok im in 8th grade and how i steal money from the snake machines is i fuck all your moms and sisters and thats how you do it!!
My favorite idea is the quarter trick with the wire, think about it, if it works with a dollar, do it 4 times and you get free dinner a the greek, do it ten time and you get 11 bucks total
take a piece of air hardening clay push it into the ky slot (make sure it gets in there good) then remove the clay let it set to dry then go back and use this "clay key" it should work. its worked for me before.and if someone sees you doing it just stomp the key and now " no way to prove it"
I have someone step on my penis until it gets really flat and then I fuck the dollar slot in a coke machine so good it just gives up the soda. It must have told other coke machines because I was walking past one at the mall the other day and a coke just fell out on it's own.
Insert dollar.
Press button.
allright this is the coolest thing ever.
the coke machines with the conveyor belt are the machines you do it on. put in your money and pick the soda you want. when the soda is on the conveyor belat hold the door where the soda comes out of closed and it put the soda back to the bottom and gives you your money back and you buy another and either get two sodas or repeat and get three sodas.
e-mail me at
ok i no about the coke machine hack but i live near chicago and we basically only have pepsi machines so if anyone knows a way to hack pepsi machines email me at
could this be used on change machines 2???
lol the trick with the conveyer belt one doesnt really work all the time. Ok um so if you do it the first time with just the one pop sitting there, make shure you get it on the opposite side your going to get your second pop( i.e. Pick one from the left, then the right) once it spits out the first pop quickly grab it before the second one comes. If you don't the two pops will get jammed and you will be SOL. haha happened tp me 3 times.
with some of the newer machines, they use a conveyor belt to move the drinks...simply stuff you hand into the hole the drink falls into and block the bottle from coming off the belt. the weight sensors will read a bottle is stuck on the belt, and gives back your money. then right before the belt arm drops down, grab your shit.
use clay on the key hole. go home and bake the clay. bam! you have the key to the coke machine. open it up and get your money
yo i cant do this fuckin shit for drink onees but alls u got to do for see through food ones is bend a peice of wire or clothehanger whatevs and pusht das candie up and out of the machine the one downside id it leaves a blank and everyone can see tere is nottin there
all u need is 2 people one on the front and one in the back push the back out and have the person in the front pull it towards them and shack it this works on almost every one but it will only give you 2 sodas and you cant pick what kind you want but its free so who cares my and my brother use to do it all the time at rest stops and hotels
i tried the 4231 thing on 3 coke machines @ my hi skool and got the price to $20.00 per soda on all 3 but a fourth machine was newer cuz my friend went at it with a crobar and stole about $100 worth of money and soda
anyway the 4231 thing works on older machines and although it doesn't give u free shit its hilarious cuz it screws up everybody elses life
OH Yeah i put the 4231 thing back in, get my sodas for a dime apiece and then change it back to $20.00 and leave lol:) lol:) lol:) lol:) lol:) lol:) lol:) lol:) lol:) lol:) lol:) lol:) lol:) lol:) lol:) lol:) lol:) lol:) lol:) lol:) lol:) lol:) lol:) lol:) lol:) lol:) lol:) lol:) lol:) lol:) lol:) lol:) lol:) lol:) lol:) lol:) lol:) lol:) lol:) lol:) lol:) lol:) lol:) lol:) lol:) lol:) lol:) lol:) lol:) lol:) lol:) lol:) lol:) lol:) lol:) lol:) lol:) lol:) lol:)
hey has anyone actually tried the 432112311 thing? if so post what happened, or email me at
I know this isnt a popular statement. But are you guys so self absored that you dont realize that stealing is stealing? Im asuming that you dont have a mom or dad to teach you right from wrong.Or perhaps you dont want someone trying to shove something down your throat. LIKE ME----but in life you will learn that when somthing is true its true... Ok so heres my short version my daddy taught me It doesnt matter weather its big or small---- its sombody elses stuff. Sooner or later your going to get caught. Young or old big or small- Talk to Bill Clinton(But he wasnt truly sorry, he was just sorry he got caught.) I havent allways made the right choices- but one day I asked god if he existed. And if he was real--- to show himself to me. He did and well what my dad said was true. A life without purpose is just existing. I know that someone is going to spew out some fowl language BUT I ASK THIS QUESTION TO YOU ARE YOU HAPPY? I know that without god your probabaly got a lot of heart ache. Give him a chance... Crack open a bible and see if you wont be made aware of the spiritual battle going on all around you. Demonic forces are real ...perhaps you,ve seen him or the people he controls. We will all stand before GOD somday and give an acount of our life what we did ,good or bad . BUY THE WAY there are a lot of dead churches and spirtualy dead people claiming to be followers of Chirst the real test is weather they have a great love for people and life.
a teacher caught me THANKS ALOT, I WILL CALL THE COPS ON U ********************************************************************************************************* RETARDS RETARDS RETARDS
you to?
all of u guys should be in jail by now
Or, you can get a job and not have to worry about the $1.50? Just a thought....
I hope you're wearing gloves when you're making the tape strips... otherwise, you're going to leave very clear fingerprints all over the adhesive (and since you're folding over the tape, the fingerprints will be trapped inside the tape and smudgeproof). If the tape strips break, you've left evidence behind. Not a bright idea.
if your fingerprints are in the system already, you're screwed. Once they catch you breaking into another machine, they can link you to the other machines with the broken tape strips.
Wow. This place is more full of nublets than /b/. I bet 75% of everyone who said "penis" doesn't even know what that means. At least /b/tards are smart enough to not post their age on the Interwebz.
Anyway, if you want real vending machine hacks, check out Just try not to piss your pants. Or... you know. Then again, maybe you don't.
Can't stand me? Rant and rave to
all of u people calling others retards, is fucken dumb, because y u commin in this fucken thing anyways. geez...and srry bout my spellin and grammer
it's not just about free sodas or money, well the money yeah, but most of the time it's just for the fun of seeing if u can do it!
umm, what you do is drill a hole toward the top of the quarter, attach fishing wire to it, (try to keep the wire long so you have room) and then just do the 1.25 thing...pull the quarter out each time, and then ur good 2 go...i've done this on older machines, it workss...
Tried the 4321123211 on an older coke machine at Wally World today. Got into the menu screen and was pretty psyched! Didn't think any of these would actually work but just had to try, ya know? There were a bunch of people around so I just exited the menu and bought my pop, but when I find the right machine, kinda secluded and such, ITS ON!
I did run into one problem though... they have the new machines with the credit card reader on there too. The buttons aren't in the right order on those... just a heads up.
Fuck it, all i used to do when i was a lad, was jam a knife in the little circle lock on the side of the door. (i believe these locks are only on old models) with incredible force until either the knife or the lock broke. If the lock broke, i was in luck. If the knife broke, i was fucked. It usually works as planned, (it works on modern locks as well) but when i finally got cought with 200 bucks fresh out the machine and two cokes, i moved on to the crowbar. Then later after that, i invented a light wand, wich hooks into the part that holds the flap at the bottom, and with a little pull, a few cans come out. Big fun. I still steal from machines. =3
Best way is, just tell someone that works at the place where the vending machine is that its stole your money and they might have the key and give you your money or a drink back. Works at my school coz the machines there are stealing ass motherfuckers. But also, some have sensors on them to see if the drink has come out or not. On the newer ones (not coke or pepsi) just make your selection, hold up the flap so it stays on top of the flap, it will then say make another selection, keep doing this and then release the flap and get your drinks.
Ok, I forgot who said this, but someone said that if you put the dollar in the machine and select your drink and press the coin return button at the same time. Well, maybe i didn't do it at the exact time but, it didn't work anyways,btw, it was a really old machine.
Can someone please fully explain the 4321123411 thing?
And the 1423 thing?
Thanks a lot!
With really old change machines, you used to be able to fold and slice a bill in such a way that it would recognize the dollar amount, and then reject the bill, giving you free quarters....
can someone tell me how to do that?
Your stupidity amazes me... =/
What sort of vending machies takes paper money anyway? That just retarded
u can tell the desk it ate your money and money.
guys my word verification was
ironically i do so fuck this website lol
youll be richer and not a lardass theif if you have a glass of water
Aaaaannnd that's what she said!
get some tape put down the dollar in your comp scanner use the tape as a guide when you have to flip it over make sure your dollar is placed at the very right hand of your scanner then you get your scanner and press scan * make sure you have enough ink otherwise it will come out crappy and scream fake* now the paper should come out and display a scan of your dollar now feed the paper back into the paper slot now take the dollar and flip it over now put the scan lid down and press scan now press scan in a couple of secs your "dollar" should be created be careful when handling it ... it may be wet and tear easily so let it sit for 5 mins then take some scissors and slowly and carefully cut out the dollar now you can crumble it to give it that dollar look or you cn even leave it in your wallet with real mony to get that "money" smell
ATTENTION your fake dollar will not work in a machine but it an fool an untrained eye now say your in the grocery store or in the mall ... have your fake dollar ... maybe you want to get your dollar broke down into ones or fives well all you have to do is ask someone if they have change for a 5 or 10 or watever you scanned to make your fake dollar now they will GIVE you money and you will pass on your fake dollar to the naiive nice person and wallah you juss got 5 or 10 dollars lucky you sorry them
Back in the 1999-2003 timeline , we had a brand new coke machine at our apartment complex , i was pissed one morning and kicked the damn thing right above the change slot and i shit you not the fucking thing emptied every last quarter , nickle and dime . did this like twice a week since it was a high volume machine , until they replaced it .
The second picture had that effect because the flash bulb of the camera went through the scotch tape and emitted x-rays. Real phenomena. Look it up.
Here's my method.
you need
1.arm strengh
2. baseball bat
1.grab your base ball bat firmly
2.swing the bat at the glass.
3. grab as much shit as u can and run like maniacs
JUst call coke and say it stole youre dollar... they will refund you
si had some luck with this one. We did this about 8 years ago but basicly when you put a quater in press the return button and the soda button at the same time and presto a nice cold soda and your quater back.
You could go to jail for a long time for all of this. I need your names and I will report you to the proper authorites.
i was at camp and the vending machine there gave back change in the same spot where you get your drink, but it didnt give me my change so i tapped it pretty hard and it gave me $3 in quarters
We had a fanta machine that all we had to do to get a free drink from the machine was punch the spot directly above the dispenser and a drink fell out...
alright first of all you can open a vending machien with a crow bar i have done it it dosent matter if peoel are around they dont care and plus who hangs around a vending machine
nobody fucking cares if you tell athourties you think thell come across the contry just to catch some phoney vending machien robber come and get me 8028 turner dr 36619 mobiel alabama
WOW alot of crap flying around LOL I just bought some older vending machines and none of your ideas work on them.... have fun trying LOL
You guys are losers.
It's absolutely pathetic to steal pop and change from a vending machine.
I used to do it the old school way with candy machine. I worked at hospital on grave yard shift. We would always bring our play station and play football and raid the candy machine. We would tip it all the way down and then it was halloween time don't know what you are getting but that dose not matter just be happy to get some thing. It was crazy we did this 3 to 4 times a week and no one ever said anything was missing so we never stopped. free food free pay check playing game all night I had it made for about a year then got tired of working nights and since then have not messed with any more machines until now I hope 4321 works. have fun do not get cought peace out peeps
weirdos, just pay! its really quuick AND EASY!
You it is not as hard as it sounds.
Step 1: Take dollar out of wallet.
Step 2: Insert it in the dollar bill slot.
Step 3: Press Numbers or buttons to choose your soda.
Step 4: Wait for soda to fall down and open flap to retrieve soda.
will the tape stick on the sides?
"You could go to jail for a long time for all of this. I need your names and I will report you to the proper authorites." your fuckin dumb
1. who would give you their names
2. dont ruin the fun you little bitch
Opening cylindrical key-hole locks without keys:
Center punch the 3/8 inch round part in the center of the cylinder. Try to be as close to the center of this as possible. Start with a nice sharp 3/16 inch drill bit and drill straight and true into the lock. Your accuracy has everything to do with this working. The material will be brass or a soft steel so it is not terribly hard to drill. After the drill has gone to a depth of about 1 and 1/4 inches the lock will pop open if you catch the latch bar. This bar is hardened steel and as soon as the bit catches it, it will turn and pull the lock bit down, allowing the spring loaded T Handle to release.
stuff tissue paper up change thing so that it will catch change and so no one can reach it then come back later with a crack lighter (lighter with big flame) and put the fire in the change thing and the paper will burn and change will fall. outside machines only unless your retarded
Ugh all u Jesus freaks shut up and all the douches shut up too. Just let people have their fun!
What does Monica lewenski and vending machines have in common?
This really is sad. Having harmless fun is one thing... stealing in any form another. Think if you had a vending business that you made your living from and you had awful people stealing your stuff. How would you feel? Would you like it if your parents made their livelihood from vending and people were steeling from them not out of necessity but for "fun"? Also, stealing just raises the prices/costs and causes stricter rules for those of us out there who don't. It's not about what's right or wrong... it's about having a conscience! Think about your actions people!!!
Most of you are anti-market.You want free things, but I bet you laugh at the people on welfare.
However, stealing once is okay, but don't do it often.
BTW I'm telling the manufacturers your secret plots. Have fun coming up with new ninja tactics.
ok so the guy who said he gets his dick flattened and screws the machine.... that was the funniest shit i've heard in a long time. keep up the good work.
You people really got it all figured out huh.....
btw heres a funny story to read. do it...
The new vending machines for sodas with the little conveyor belt that moves up and down have a door that moves the sodas into the compartment where you pick them up. If you buy one soda and wait until the conveyor belt picks it up and then hold the flap that lets the soda out completely shut by sticking your hand in the compartment it will register that the machine was out of that soda and it will spit out your money. Do this like 2 or 3 times and on the last time let all the sodas come out. You gotta be quick but you can get as many as you can pull out in the allotted time.
for new pepsi ones go 2 you tube and look up "how to hack a modern pepsi machine" click the first one
to the person that said "the prices keep raising if you steal them theres no prob for you. good luck with your do the right thing shit. and get a life dont read this if your not gonna use it... go fuck yourself
Or all u sons of bitches can get a job, buy a 24 pack of soda and sell each bitch for $.50 and make a $4 profit or a $10 profit if u sell them for $.75 each...then buy yourselves another fuckin 24 pack and keep doing it over and over again then ull have practically "free" (profit) money to get u a fuckin soda every day of the year & what do u know bitches...every single one of u cheap skate motherfuckers can be shooting pepsi out your noses laughing at the gay ass idea of stealing
The investment in vending machine business is small unless you are going in for bigger vending machines.
Another way to get free soda's.
Stand on the right side of the machine, Stick your finger up your ass, use your other hand to blow your nose with, fart, then quickly shit in your pants. Now go fuck yourself and ask your mom for money and go back to the machine and buy the fucking soda.
Then drink it and go fuck yourself again.
Could always do what we did. shake the living crap out of the machine. When it's full the weight will push the lead can out.
ok for everyone who comes on these sites to say "we're going to hell for stealing" and things like that. PLEASEEE like you havent stolen or done illegal things. just let us live out lives how we want. i freakin dare you ta come to LA and go up to the criminals and start saying that crap. "dont do bad things never steal confess yourr sins to jesus." you will get shot right there and NO ONE will care. have a nice life peace peeps
All I do is stick a piece of sauder up the slot where the food comes out of, and use one of the sides to grab a snack
I was once able to get about $80 in change from an Ice Cream Vending Machine. It was my birthday last year and me and my friends were messing around. We ended up doing something like unplugging the machine and holding in A* or A# as it turned on and the screen would show "Deposited $1.25". When we pressed the coin return button, that amount came out! We stopped once we started getting dimes..
go to a vending machine. put in your money.pick wat you want and press the button but just before your item comes out press the change return button. u will get urself a free snack or drink and ur money back. enjoy!
go to a vending machine. put in your money.pick wat you want and press the button but just before your item comes out press the change return button. u will get urself a free snack or drink and ur money back. enjoy!
to the dork who said pop.....just say soda dude...modern tomes man...modern times
actualy notes or bills dont have magnetic ink on them idiot
Put a strong magnet to a bill, they have magnetic ink, idiots
RETARDS exept the code thing that does work :)
one thing you can do. hit up walmart and basically any place with a vending machine outside, tell them it ate your money. give them a realistic amount (ie, if the drink costs 1.50, tell them you put in $2) tell them the machine ate your money. most of them will just make you fill out a slip saying the machine ate x amount of money then walmart or whatever will give you the money. i tried at a save a lot though, bad idea. they check.
I haven't seen this one yet. We had an "old" coke machine that had can cokes where I used to work at.
I put a $5 bill in, which it gave me credit, then it spit the bill back out because its too "big" I guess of a bill, gives me my soda, plus my change for the $5.
Not sure how many machines would do this, maybe just older coke machines? Or our machine was just messed up maybe?
There is a snack machine at our bowling ally, if you put in an old five, the colorless ones, it gives you your snack and it spits the five out. If you get something for seventy five cents, it spits out the five, you snack, and a quarter. Trying not to take advantage of it, but a $20 12 inch piss? Fuck you bowling alley.
Yo fuck you my lil bro had turrets and he killed himself cause of ignorant bitches like you real nigga talking I can EASILY find out where you are by the ip bitch and REAL TALK I will come to your crib and shoot you in the fuckin throat understood. If you think I'm bullshittin say something I will be at your crib TOMMOROW fuck wit me don't let me ever hear shit like that again little bitch. Straight up.
Look i can hack a blogg!!!
look i can hack a blogg
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Tape=sticky fool
I think he was joking
Uhhh why is a goody goody bible reading dbag doing looking up how to steal?! Maybe you should take a good look at YOURSELF before you start judging others!! Just an observation!
who the fuck cares just beat the shit out of the machine and quit wasting your time
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Shut the fuck up faggot with grammer like that I doubt you have the mental capacity to find an ip adress let alone trace it.
I dont call it stealing, i call it retribution for selling something that we could have free if we lived in a better society where everyone could have their share of food, water and a house for themselves and not depend on money to be able to SURVIVE or simply LIVE. Some people make profit from all this and doesnt give a damn shit about those who dies of starvation, thirst and those who dies because they dont have a roof in winter!!! I'm happy to take from those who just think to make money out of those who dont have enough to live normally, while others have three cars and a second house in the bahamas!!! those who says that stealing is bad they are wrong because everything on this planet is not just one person possession it is for everyone to share. That would be the perfect society!!!!!
Thats funnier than my dick
The button but just before your item comes out press the change return button. u will get urself a free snack or drink and ur money back. enjoy!
Palm Beach Vending Machine
The dollar bill is stuck!
Wow! Wtf? That is screaming "Hey! I want to go to jail!!!!" all the other ways were stealthy at least so there was a chance of not going to jail. You dumb fuck.
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Yea what this dude said kneeeeeeee growwwwewwww just Cuz I have cancer ain't mean I should kill myself and have me sister bitch out some dude how don't now nothing bout cancer
It's simple for the soda machines with conveyer belts just tear off the flap the machine will give u your sofa and your change
This is a new way to get sodas out of the vending machine. Get the need of money do get your choice of drink. Place the money in the machine , choose a soda, and there is your soda. This method is called getting off of your ass, picking up a small amount of money, and buying a soda. P.S. I SAID TO GET A SODA, NEVER DID I STATE FREE.
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u guys are all a bunch of fatasses who dont have a job and have way too much time on ur hands
Best one yet^
Oh come on! I mean what I can say that a person can have fish eggs out of a vending machine; it’s out of my mind.
Compare Vending
how to get a soda
get a dollar
put it in the vending machine
select which one you want
take soda from machine
walk away one dollar poorer
This is really nice to show how to make a good stuff.
the 4231 thing actuallu works but its kinda complicated but not that much the only thing hard is not gettin cought cause imagine you did it yeyyyy 1 time ....but the u wanna do it again and agian and again it reaches the point where ur doing it every day and sooner or later your gonna get cought its the truth so for every one thats doing this try to keep it in a low level ok:)googd luck
Awesome that works
There* lol..
HarlequinFetus thsts disgusting you should be banned!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! BANNED I TELL YOU BANNED!!!!!!!
u r a faget
Jeanie, shut the fuck up, its only a buck.
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Ertugal maxwell
Haha these are great. Theres a golf course a short distance from my home. Theres a pepsi machine on the back of the property. I used a battery powered end grinder with a cut off wheel. One large rectangle of sheet steel off the side and ive already paid for the grinder
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Soft Drink Vending Machines
Palm Beach Soda Vending Machinescan be changed in a number of ways and that does not just mean adding water. There are healthy snacks that kids enjoy, such as flavored rice snacks and fruit. Schools could easily take out some of the candy and cakes and replace them with these foods.The contents of a food vending machine are easy to change, so hopefully schools will do that before poor eating habits set in forever.
There are numerous vending machines around us. Some vending machines are providing snacks and cold drinks , some are delivering papers. So we all are habitual to such vending machines. Vending machines bring a great change in our life.
Miami Vending Machines
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