Wednesday, November 09, 2005

How To Make a Fake Fingerprint:

1) Find a good fingerprint: Take a picture of a dusted one, open it in photoshop, raise the contrast, and save it. (Or you could just find a picture of one on the internet)

2) Print the picture of the fingerprint onto a transparency sheet (the clear plastic paper used with overhead projectors) with a laser printer. The toner in the ink will make small indentations in the transparency sheet. Let the ink dry without smudging.

3) Cover the top of the fingerpring with wood glue. Leave it to sit overnight.

4) Put theatrical glue on the back of the dry wood glue, and attach to the desired finger.

5) Lift your finger and admire your new fingerprint.


  1. Anonymous5:06 PM

    why isn't this site called " how to become a jihad terrorist and get away with everything" ???!!! good ideas, bad to tell them to people and let anyone in the world with internet see them.

  2. Anonymous2:24 AM

    You know thats great and all but the only reason we leave fingerprints is becaus of the oils in our skin that new print wont take to any thing caus it will be dry...

  3. This article was written in order to fool fingerprint readers, which do not require any oil to be on your fingerprint. If you want to leave a print, just wipe the fake print across your palm. That should put oil on it, which will leave prints

    1. Anonymous12:34 PM

      I am trying to fool a clock that uses a finger print scan at school and I want to be clocked in but not actually be there. You think this would work for me?

  4. Anonymous12:12 PM

    "How to become a Jihad terrorist" ?

    What are we, a moron? You and the current US administration seem to have the problem comprehending certain facts:

    FYI Knowledge is not the same as intent,
    Reading '1984' does not make you a revloutionary.
    One mans Terrorist is another mans Freedom Fighter (or Free speech protester, or civil rights lawyer).
    Asking questions and demanding answers is not unpatriotic
    Not all asians are Muslim
    Not all Muslims are terrorists

    And none of the 9/11 terrorists needed to use any fingerprints but their own.

  5. Anonymous12:43 AM

    your a dumb idiot.I hope you die. oh do me a favor and get a life you freak!

  6. Anonymous9:41 PM

    i'd buy that for a dollar- tell him to die again!!

  7. Anonymous9:41 PM

    tell him again

  8. Anonymous11:04 PM

    terrorists who are about to kill themselves are not too concerned with fingerprints.

  9. Anonymous9:55 PM

    u guys come here to argue or read comments? seriously shut up all of u

  10. Anonymous10:57 PM

    ALA ALA FALA!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  11. Anonymous7:32 PM

    hahahaha lol ur a dumbass everyone would like to see both fuckin retard

  12. Anonymous11:02 PM

    Why you people are arguing? Comments like those should be erased! (Yeah, erased... say whatever you want about free speech).

  13. Anonymous5:28 PM

    SIM SIM SOLLA BIM!! *crazy hand movements*

  14. Anonymous4:14 PM

    your ignorance is why your soldiers are dying.

  15. Anonymous3:10 PM

    friggon retards!!!

  16. Anonymous11:47 PM

    Haha no wonder everyone in the world hates americans, you guys are so stupid and so under the influence of an indoctrinated ignorance. Read a book, get a life.

    1. Anonymous9:00 PM

      Get a life sandnigger

  17. Anonymous3:49 AM

    wow im not american ( thank god may his soul rest in peace) but i stil make plenty of jokes about those damn durka terorist. the fag who is liek noe mans terrorist is another amns freedom fighter, well too bad i tihkn the middle east should be blown and repopulated with humans not durkas and then we can have soem good countries not countries full of ppl who jack planes and run into buildings with bombs on them.... just my point of view

  18. or maybe the west should be blown and repopulated with people who don't beat their children, rape their neighbors, murder their holy leaders, promote racism, are'nt racially ignorant and intolorant, and don't care more about money than their own brother.

  19. Anonymous4:24 AM

    and don't forget: invade other countries for no reason other than personal gain and murder people because they are another skin color

  20. Anonymous9:22 PM

    every country on earth contains a multitude of people who commit unthinkable crimes. perhaps twould be better to kill everyone on this planet, because all people are potentially wrongdoers and do not deserve life.

    1. Anonymous2:59 PM

      If their were a prize you'd get it Shan, humans are a plague upon the universe, we don't stop we don't give a fuck about anything but us and we expect a different result. We are the definition of insanity.

  21. Anonymous3:15 AM

    Man you guys are dense.

    1. Nobody cares
    2. A true Muslim Terrosist would want to go down in a hail of gunfire to be considered a martyr. (I would just because it's cool)

    I'd like to thank all those who were trying to keep the peace here.

  22. Anonymous10:40 AM

    God, this is just a simple do it yourself site. Quit blowing all this up (no pun intended) and making such a big deal.

  23. Anonymous12:06 PM

    hey wats up harrison?

  24. Anonymous1:45 AM

    that was the dumbest fuckin arguement ever, i think i'm gonna make some thermite or that flamethrower.

  25. Anonymous3:23 PM

    Lol, I'm making a comment about the dude that said Americans were gay. Your right, but the get a life part sorta pissed me off, you call us all stupid yet we continue to dominate most wars...And this is a responce to the "you ignorance is the reason soldiers are dieing" comment, for 1, soldiers are dieing because bush keeps them there, bush is also building 3, 2million dollar power plants hes pretty much building the Terroists golden bomb targets. You people need to stop fighting and jugding's getting hugely annoying to me...I could make an insulting comment to literatly every one of you, but since I'm not an asshole I wont, I'm also an American, I don't like being American, but hey, don't insult me for who I am

  26. Anonymous7:55 PM

    It is incredibly amusing AND anoying how everywhere you go on the internet you can find morons that turn anything into a racist or other stupid arguement from the smallest little things.

  27. Anonymous11:54 PM

    Dude, this place is for idiots. I'm out of here.

  28. Anonymous1:08 AM

    everyone shut the fuck up

  29. Anonymous2:58 PM

    "or maybe the west should be blown and repopulated with people who don't beat their children, rape their neighbors, murder their holy leaders, promote racism, are'nt racially ignorant and intolorant, and don't care more about money than their own brother."

    Isn't that almost exactly what the Shiite are doing to the Sunni?

  30. Anonymous2:46 AM

    holy f******* shit I live in a country of bigots and imbiciles! Here's a new one...let's round up all the racists or suspected racists and kill/imprison/castrate them. Jeez, I the think we might need some immigrants to fill our population void after that....

  31. Anonymous7:55 PM

    how about, instead of argueing about the midle-east, and talk about how much french people suck, and are a bunch of gay fucks.

  32. Anonymous3:19 AM

    holy shit u guys just dont know when to shut the fuck up!!!!
    u are all ignorant idiots...

  33. Anonymous11:26 AM

    Wow....after reading all of these comments I actually FORGOT what the "How To" was about....Thanks for wasting 5 minutes of my life.

  34. Anonymous6:13 PM

    Now you have to give that pointless argument some credit; even though it was pointless, people still felt they needed to respond, many with only a marginal attempt at being logical. It wasn't wasted time either, the whole reason I'm (probably everyone) here is nothing better to do. Seriously though, we're all in this world together so it might not be a bad idea to try to work with and sculpt our thoughts and ideas... rather than marginalizing each other on trivial issues... and who even knows the ages/location/life of the particular persons represented here? Now if you'll excuse me, I've got some fake finger prints to plant... muhahAHA!

  35. Anonymous4:47 PM

    oh yeah, i forgot, FRENCH PROPLE SUCK

  36. "or maybe the west should be blown and repopulated with people who don't beat their children, rape their neighbors, murder their holy leaders, promote racism, are'nt racially ignorant and intolorant, and don't care more about money than their own brother."
    hmm... rape is essentially legal in most islamic fundamentalist countries, murder is far more common, and unless im mistaken, almost all the countries in the middle east ganged up on israel and tried to get the jews out of there. far from advocating wiping the middle east off the map, i believe church and state should be separated in those countries. essentially the system in the more corrupt middle eastern is similar to that of middle ages, strongly sexist and racist.

  37. hmm.. just read my comments. came out not the way i intended. the problem is not the religion or the people, but the ppl in charge of these countries. Try and tell me saddam was a good person... and hes not the only one. of course iraq and afganistan are british emperical messes left over from turn of the century.

  38. Anonymous11:01 PM

    all people, most all people will destroy and fight among each other as is human nature and do not juge people by the actions of there leaders because most all leaders on both sides of any war are crupt

    an Amrican

    not all of us are stupid

  39. Anonymous5:28 PM

    You guys. Calm down. Seriously, this is ridiculous. Why don't you take all this crap to a political blog, rather than here, a DIY blog?

  40. Thats what is was trying to get at. Its not middle eastern countries the problem, its the leaders of thoese countries. In WW2, Germans werent the problem, Hitler was.

    1. Yeah bc hitler got into power bc he was popular for saying lets get along with the Jews and the Germans were all shocked when the Jews weren't rounded up for an inclusive luxury vacation. With that logic the Holocaust never happened. Why is it the same people that bitch about dumb Christian racist Americans for being intolerant tolerate intolerance?

  41. Anonymous5:32 PM

    You are so right, not the Irak people are the problem, Sadam was !! Not the american people but Bush is the problem.

  42. Anonymous5:47 PM

    Since WW2 only 1 nation was involved in:
    - bombing own civilians with radio-active fall down in the 60's
    - war in Korea
    - war in Vietnam
    - war in Yogoslavia
    - war in Kuwait
    - war in Afganistan
    - war in Irak

    Guess witch one ?
    Prowd to be an ....

  43. Anonymous9:09 PM

    dudes, shut the fuck up all of you...except for the peach keepers.

  44. Anonymous7:14 PM

    Look, there are retarded people all around this world. We might have different colored skin, but we are all the same species. Just because there are certain people in each country that apparently strive on war and have secret agendas does not mean all citizens of those countries are the same. I have heard some of you say "fuck Iraq, blow the shit up" or "fuck america, blow the shit up". That would put many innocent lives in danger. Yes, bush has fucked up many times. Yes, sadam fucked up majorly. And of course, binladen rallied some muslims to attack america. However, there are many that did not wish for the war or for the attacks on the twin towers. I have heard alot of racism in this blog and that's what really got me pissed. Racism is a thing of the past and needs to be done out with. Now please, can't all just get a bong.

  45. Anonymous2:24 PM

    Learn to love

  46. Anonymous8:52 AM

    The person above should be referred to the "How to Rehabilitate Yourself From Being E-MO" page

  47. Anonymous5:25 PM

    dis site is fake... and the trick about the old vinding machines, yeah it doesnt work trust me i have tried it

  48. Anonymous12:40 AM

    evrybody shut up!

  49. Anonymous6:28 PM

    Stupid Americans.

  50. Anonymous10:53 PM

    how to make a grenade...(not the flour one)take a clorine tablet break a 2" peice off and put in water bottle take rubbing alcohol and put in the bottle close it shake and run.... forget the run part

  51. Anonymous5:21 PM

    whats rong about being an american

  52. Anonymous10:12 AM

    The comments above were great - entertaining - I laughed out loud! You know the whole world is fucked - we just have to try to make it work and try to be good to all people and we will all benefit. Stop sexism, racism, hate, etc. Most of us are totally innocent - most leaders are corrupt and seriously greedy with power and money enabling them to do a lot of serious bad shit without us even knowing how they do it - cover-ups galore! They use religion to justify crap. Religion is only a belief , it should not be a political tool used against people. Leading a country should have no connection to religion. Bush is a mad dog fighting the mad dog leaders in the middle east. (Not to mention all the other mad dog leaders of other countries. They set us up against each other only for their benefit. We get nothing but shit and fear from their actions and that's how they control us. If rights are taken away from women, men, etc we see injustice. We must try to get good people to represent the mostly good and innocent people of this world. All countries of this world - need good leaders. Leaders are only that and should be controlled by the majority of the good innocent people. I am Canadian and no better or worse than any other person from other countries.

  53. Anonymous5:32 AM

    hrmm an arguement arguement about wiping your new finger print against your palm leaving oils, wouldnt that leave DNA? which is much more incriminating than a fingerprint? i mean what are the odds of 2 fingerprints being the same 1/16million, DNA is almost completely unique to every human, other than identical twins.

  54. Anonymous3:58 PM

    nice olthough i shit on toast

  55. okay two things:

    1)Why did a How To blog turn into political banter?

    2)Random fact: we share 50% of the same genetics as a banana :)

  56. Anonymous11:18 PM

    im an american unfortunatly, and i hate america. i want to live in belgium, and whoever said americans are ignorant, theyre right

    1. I take it your one of the ignorant ones. I love people who support everything one political party is for bc it shows how stupid they are. I hate America. How old are you? Learn you world history. You can find countries everywhere that do bad shit and good shit. We could all be living in a communist country which, sounds good on paper but bc everyone worries about themselves and their family it never works. Liberals want the the government to do everything for them and republicans want to enforce their beliefs down everyone's throats, and would rather spend money throwing someone in jail for minor drug crimes than have the government use tax money to help someone. Democrats want to use tax money on social programs that keep someone poor and dependent so they keep getting voted in. Salt Lake City Mormon Captial of the World and ultra conservative decided to build housing for the poor so people could get a job and not worry about having a place they couldn't afford to pay for. Many got jobs that didn't pay great but they had jobs with health care that was much cheaper than housing. People became healthier, they didn't go to the ER for things that should have been taken care of at a regular doctors office, and many serious issues were taken care of before they became serious. Democrats would let every illegal immigrant in and conservatives blame them for everything. If they would get together and use common sense it would work. Unfortunately Democrats want to give free shit away for votes, wages go down if you let to many unskilled workers in. In Canada the government has a list of jobs that are not being filled by Canadians. You can't bring your Grandparents entire legacy in on both sides of the family plus your spouses just to bring them in. They have to be able to support them or support themselves so the tax payers don't get stuck with the bill. We are $20trillion in debt just federal debt, $70trillion on business debt, $30-$50 trillion in future obligations like Ssi, Medicare, state, city, county doubles that, plus the whole world's economy will collapse if we print to much money. Japan is printing $1trill a year just in Japan.

  57. Anonymous6:36 PM

    lets all make sweeping, inconfirmable generalizations and act like it's intelligent discourse. if you really want to continue this pathetic charade of bullshittery, i suggest you go buy a soapbox. regardless, this is a pretty well thought out idea, although i prefer the circuit etching method.

  58. Anonymous3:32 AM

    to: hmm... rape is essentially legal in most islamic fundamentalist countries, murder is far more common, and unless im mistaken, almost all the countries in the middle east ganged up on israel and tried to get the jews out of there. far from advocating wiping the middle east off the map, i believe church and state should be separated in those countries. essentially the system in the more corrupt middle eastern is similar to that of middle ages, strongly sexist and racist.

    excuse me? in islam it is religiously illegal to rape a person.JIHAD means to defend yourself if there is a war. And maybe people murder each other in islamic countries but are western countries murder-free? i guess people haven't heard the saying...."don't judge a book by it's cover" because they sure are judging! and also WHAT has "How To Make a Fake Fingerprint" got to do with getting away with everything and becoming a jihadist?
    And also nobody is taking notice to the people who say americans suck or everybody shut up so stop sending your worthless posts.

    everybody shoul watch v for vendetta and farenheit 9/11.

  59. Anonymous11:09 AM

    muslim's are the strongest nation of the world , you just have to read history to know that, and they are hated by everyone because they are the only nation which refuse to be controled by jewish money lobby

  60. Anonymous10:36 PM

    ok alot of that was fucked up and they need to leve...

    second i am purd to be an amecin!
    i am 12 so suht the fuck up and leve amica alonw bicths just cuz you can not liev here does not meke it a bad place!

    3rd osm i am going to make one for all my fingers so i leve fake finger pints on all my wee- ummmmm books.....

  61. Anonymous11:12 PM

    I think most of your comments are from a bunch of idiots. Who said anything aoub jihad, or 9/11, my interest in covering my own finger prints is because in my past I did alot of stupid things that stick with you until you die. I want to adopt children and would like nothing to come up when I must get fingerprinted. No crime I committed hurt anyone but myself. I just want a clean slate without having to paying outrageous amounts of monies to lawyers who have licenses to steal anyway.
    signed anonymous and wish I were right now.

  62. Anonymous11:19 PM

    I like how to do stuff said just wipe the fake print across you palm which will leave a print I can copy by just putting my fingers directly over the fake prints. Is this correct for faking a finger print scan? or will they probably wipe your fingers with alcoholbefore they begin. It's been so long since I was finger printed by the police I don't remeber and besides they don't use the old ink method anymore do they. If I remember corrected they scan your whole hand? let me know

  63. well that was an interesting response to that post. went from general how to, to lets all kill the terrorist. imo terrorist are just an illusion created by the government to control the ignorant mob that we call our society. get a clue people.

    nice post btw. very creative. im wondering how you come up with these simple yet fasinating how to's.

    keep up the good work =p

  64. Anonymous1:39 PM

    It's amazing that after reading ALL those comments, the one thing that interested me were how many of the American people couldn't spell Iraq. I have nothing against Americans in general, and by the way, I think Tony Blair and Bush are just as bad as each other, but now that Blair's gone hopefully things will change.

    And as to the little american 12 year old (If you're actually 12) Grow up and get some new vocabulary! Swearing doesn't make you sound cool, or grown up, it makes you sound like you don't know any better words to say what you mean. Swearing is just the lazy way out.

    I think this site is amazing, and don't have a go at them for what they come up with, it's how other people interpret it that's the problem. Great ideas guys, really ingenious stuff.

  65. Anonymous4:29 PM

    fackin rednecks! yeeeeeeehawzzz!!

  66. Anonymous8:52 AM

    damn ull gotta fight...LOL keep likin it -_-

  67. Anonymous2:16 PM

    Bring back the Nazi Party!

  68. Anonymous10:56 PM

    you guys need Jesus!
    if u havent come to him just ask for forgivness and for him too come into your life. i know it sounds simple but thats all it takes to be with him when your time comes to go. that, and to continue letting him live through you and fufiling you purpose God doesnt want us to hate each other he loved us enough to send his only son to die Jesus lived a perfect life when we sin were separated from God cause he is holy. when we are forgiven, he doesnt see us and all the bad things weve done, he sees Jesus and his perfect life.
    When i die ill finaly be home with my family and Jesus

  69. Anonymous7:46 PM

    Look, all you dumbshits out there, quit being stupid, I did not need this site to be a terrorist, i mean, come on, walk to the gas station, by 5 gallons of gas, pour it on something explosive, and light it, and there is a fire, and if you throw hairspray cans on the fire, when they blow, they will damage the property, and could kill people. get over it, and yea, im American, and you know what, america is in a stupid war, we should either bomb the country to pieces, or leave (im for leaving, but bush is to big a dumbshit to see things my way) and because of our leaders, im not proud to be American, I would rahter be muslim than American right now, because at least they do it for religious beliefs instead of a leader saying "Go to war, I want oil to help my dady earn more money, and if you die, ill lie to this country and act sad, have a nice day". edveryone here needs to grow the fuck up and quit acting like my three year old cousin caught stealing a cookie out of the cookie jar

  70. Anonymous7:16 PM

    This info is very helpful. I am an American. And because of all these new "security" laws setup by the DHS, Very soon, All Americans will need to scan their thumb print or finger print into biometric readers for digital fingerprints in our ids. Since I am not a criminal nor ever been in trouble with the law, I see this as an invasion of privacy. I will not let anyone in the Government to keep digital databases of my fingerprints. So when ever I get a new license or signup for a passport etc... I use my "alternate" finger print to protect my privacy. Go into google and type in REAL ID ACT and you will know what I mean

  71. Anonymous2:25 AM

    wow. this is fucking, you twelve year old jackass in frnt of a computer who has so many grammatical errors but even more cuss words in his vocabulary, you ARE what makes our country look like fucktards. we are as guilty as everyone else. and dont try to defend america by acting like a jackass, do it through logic. and YOU, you assbag who is generalizing everyone, go back to spamming youtube. Fuck off, I am so dissapointed in most of you IDIOTS. to actually have to just flame eachother.... mature. and like shcna said, EVERY country contains a multitude of bad people. and as for YOU, trying to turn this into jesus hotline, fuck off, dont even try to entwine religion into this mess! dont say we need to be saved, I dont hate your religion, just how its followers spoil and corrupt and destroy it! Fuck you! Get a Cle!No, let the clues stay lost just fuck you! Im sorry for using so much vulgar language but you guys, dear od idiots work me up so much. so muchsupidity, unfair bias, and as for the twlve year old, be more constructive for your arguement. when im not in this anger fit, I could stand by more. And im just the average fourteen year old nerd who doesent delve one topic, just has a wide view, an open mind, and more of just little bits of knowledge other tan specifications. Im not too smart, well hell I am compared t most kids, a\but I dont mean this to boost my ego. just be more constructive.

  72. Anonymous8:34 AM

    this is bad ass cause now i can break into houses and not get cought

  73. Anonymous8:29 PM

    oh wow great job
    now more unsolveble murders
    thanks alot

  74. Anonymous8:56 AM

    Terrorists!? ın past they were called guerillas,partizan and ect.. now the word Terrorist is created.Terrorising means making people incredibly scared; so,actually it's a military tactic.All warriors are terrorists. But not all of them are guerillas!

  75. Anonymous6:53 PM

    So, how do you do the fingerprint thing again???

  76. Anonymous4:04 PM

    yo u guys need to stop fighting were all humans and u guys r racist bastards like just b cuz they r different skin tones doesnt make us better than us every1 deserves to be treated the same were all equals (except the racist ones) white ppl rnt better than blacks blacks rnt better white and no 1 is better than n e 1 like c'mon ppl the ppl that rnt being racist just put these racist bastards in their places and tell the to simply FUCK OFF U FUCKING RACIST BASTARDS AND LEAVE THIS GUY ALONE ALL HE WAS TRYING TO DO WAS GIVE US SOMETHING TO FUCKING READ AND MABY FIND INTREST IN OK SO SMARTEN THE FUCK UP !!!!!!! STUPID RACIST FUCKS!!! u deserve to be put in jail u no that racisim is illegal so pce out im getting the fuck outta this convo before i go to far pce>=G

  77. Anonymous8:46 PM

    Hey,, well that was a very interesting read for a very boring Maths class and I think Ill add to it :) but dude religion is fine if ya dont true to push it onto other people MR Christian Person! and yeah Muslim is really racist and especially sexist anyway ya look at it and I know there is some people who are within the religion dont act that way but the majority do! When it comes to the whole factor is that no one perfect but some coountries have more people who do things that shouldnt be done and those things may not be seen to bad by those who do it but the bigger majority see it as so in this world it is seen as wrong! So the whole world should at least follow those morals then maybe the world will get along :)

    But anyway great finger printing thing lol LOVE IT Whahaha

  78. Anonymous8:31 AM


  79. Anonymous8:32 AM

    all week minded followers of religion deserve everything they fuckin get shoot em all hang em high

  80. Anonymous8:43 AM


  81. Anonymous5:56 PM

    you all are very iconsiderate, not all muslims are terroist's, there are thousands of muslims dieing in iraq that are completely innocent, there have been times like this before were a large group of people were in the population, the KKK for instance, American Soldiers even understand that not all muslims are bad, and there are even muslims in the United States Military, you all have no lifes to critisize the life of other human beings, we were all put on this earth, for the same reason believe it or not... The only resons the Al Queda (the terroist orginization) attacked the united states is because of our rules, and how we treated other countrys, there have been hundereds of incidents like this in the past so why single out muslims? they are human just like us. they have familys, kids, they feel pain. They need to be treated like the rest of us, Ignorant Americans like the few of u in this comment section, is the reason we go to war, and the reason we dont have peace in our nation. We all need to learn that every human being is equal no matter if ur Asian, Black, White, Indian, Muslim, Arabic, Mexican, ETC.. This is all i have to say to you ignorant people, next time you want to critisize someone think of how big of an ass it makes you look.

  82. Anonymous3:05 PM

    is a tomato a fruit or vegetable

  83. i am purd to be an amecin!
    i am 12 so suht the fuck up and leve amica alonw bicths just cuz you can not liev here does not meke it a bad place!

    who ever did this post is one bad speller. i mean come on. i know 12 year olds who can tell me what the square root of 15.if all americans are like you then your country is going to die in their own household waste. i also think that if they wanted to stop terrorists from sky jacking planes and flying into buildings kamikazi style then turn all towers into runways.

  84. Anonymous12:05 AM

    on a global scale Americas list of atrocities is short by comparison, if you think america should be "blown off the face of the planet because of all the rapist racist homophobes" maybe you should look at the thousands of dead maimed raped and tourtured ppl of africa. in some parts of the world ethnic cleansing is S.O.P. while we have many problems in this country, i challenge anyone with an average IQ and something coherent to say to show me a country that doesnt have issues and problems. at least liveing in america i can say im not afraid a group of strung out 10 year olds with an ak in onw hand and a grenade in another isnt going to murder my family. :)


  85. Anonymous12:09 AM

    and BTW, biologicly a tomato is a fruit. but its clasified by the goverment as a vegetable. :)


  86. Anonymous3:47 AM

    Well, I am a professional burglar in Washington, I will save myself the time, and stick to gloves... I advise the same, because unless you want to risk a partial fingerprint, one thing is sure... you will get found out with the entire palm left uncovered. DUH!
    Email me at

  87. Anonymous8:05 AM

    ya thanx now i can murder people and frame a co worker or something yay

  88. Anonymous9:28 AM

    geez, now i'm only fourteen, but hey, this is more cuss' than i could use in a year. i think this should be named "how to cuss and take the piss out of others" because really, the only thing people are really doing here Is taking the piss out of eachother, but i do have to admit those of you who are trying to resolve the situation i'm going to say thanks.
    it comes to this, "if you've got nothing nice to say, dont say it at all."
    and to think some of you are grownups... yeah right.

  89. Anonymous12:13 PM

    who cares i forgot too

  90. Anonymous9:34 PM

    this is certainly helpful. Now we can be there for one another in order to live better lives. Jackass!!

  91. Anonymous2:46 PM

    First poster, #1 - there are no jihad terrorists againts the USA (at least there were NOT until this year over the gas crisis) and GIVING UP YOUR LIBERTY FOR SAFTEY MEANS THAT YOU DESERVE NEITHER - according to Ben Franklin.

    The CIA is KNOWN to have had Osama on their payroll for a LONG time.

    They are just using that as a means to do all these types of BIG BROTHER INVADING MY PRIVY and yours.

    there is nothing or no one to be scared of but God and your own big brother. first God, but your big brother is wanting to know EVERYSINGLE DETAIL about you.

    not a criminal? good. stay that way. but dont make it so I have be made to PROVE that I am innocent until proven otherwise.

    Its all a LIE. you really think that someone cant steal your finger print and use that?

    what about RFID tech in your New National ID card (world ID Card) chekc your Drivers License. it isnt what it used to be. It contains your DNA now.

    They went to far and everyone goes with it in the name of safety.

    tell me, HOW IS ANY OF THIS PRIVACY INVASION MORE SAFE? or saving you from any type of REAL jihad terrorism?

    All this will is make it EASIER to steal your ID and then they will go to CHIP implant. That is their goal.

    so just SAY NO to any thumbprints or scans.

    The founding fathers of this nation WOULD NOT EVEN ALLOW ANY OF THIS BS.

  92. Anonymous2:51 PM


    anyone can steal your INFO from 30 feet away by pointing an RFID reading device at your purse or pocket and STEAL ALL YOUR IDENTITY that is contained in your just your driverse license (National ID - World ID) and your credit cards that use the RFID Technology.

    So how safe is that? its FAR FAR FAR FROM SAFE.


  93. Anonymous11:16 PM

    yall are a bunch of losers.... WHITE PRIDE 2316

  94. Anonymous11:18 PM

    YALL R LOSERS... white pride 2316

  95. Anonymous9:32 PM

    So...How do I make a bomb again?

  96. Anonymous7:35 AM

    First poster, #1 - there are no jihad terrorists againts the USA (at least there were NOT until this year over the gas crisis) and GIVING UP YOUR LIBERTY FOR SAFTEY MEANS THAT YOU DESERVE NEITHER - according to Ben Franklin.

    The CIA is KNOWN to have had Osama on their payroll for a LONG time.

    They are just using that as a means to do all these types of BIG BROTHER INVADING MY PRIVY and yours.

    there is nothing or no one to be scared of but God and your own big brother. first God, but your big brother is wanting to know EVERYSINGLE DETAIL about you.

    not a criminal? good. stay that way. but dont make it so I have be made to PROVE that I am innocent until proven otherwise.

    Its all a LIE. you really think that someone cant steal your finger print and use that?

    what about RFID tech in your New National ID card (world ID Card) chekc your Drivers License. it isnt what it used to be. It contains your DNA now.

    They went to far and everyone goes with it in the name of safety.

    tell me, HOW IS ANY OF THIS PRIVACY INVASION MORE SAFE? or saving you from any type of REAL jihad terrorism?

    All this will is make it EASIER to steal your ID and then they will go to CHIP implant. That is their goal.

    so just SAY NO to any thumbprints or scans.

    The founding fathers of this nation WOULD NOT EVEN ALLOW ANY OF THIS BS.

    whoever wrote this i totally agree with you....

  97. Anonymous7:36 AM

    First poster, #1 - there are no jihad terrorists againts the USA (at least there were NOT until this year over the gas crisis) and GIVING UP YOUR LIBERTY FOR SAFTEY MEANS THAT YOU DESERVE NEITHER - according to Ben Franklin.

    The CIA is KNOWN to have had Osama on their payroll for a LONG time.

    They are just using that as a means to do all these types of BIG BROTHER INVADING MY PRIVY and yours.

    there is nothing or no one to be scared of but God and your own big brother. first God, but your big brother is wanting to know EVERYSINGLE DETAIL about you.

    not a criminal? good. stay that way. but dont make it so I have be made to PROVE that I am innocent until proven otherwise.

    Its all a LIE. you really think that someone cant steal your finger print and use that?

    what about RFID tech in your New National ID card (world ID Card) chekc your Drivers License. it isnt what it used to be. It contains your DNA now.

    They went to far and everyone goes with it in the name of safety.

    tell me, HOW IS ANY OF THIS PRIVACY INVASION MORE SAFE? or saving you from any type of REAL jihad terrorism?

    All this will is make it EASIER to steal your ID and then they will go to CHIP implant. That is their goal.

    so just SAY NO to any thumbprints or scans.

    The founding fathers of this nation WOULD NOT EVEN ALLOW ANY OF THIS BS.

    whoever wrote this i totally agree with you...

  98. Anonymous7:54 PM

    im srry but cats just arnt my thing.

  99. Anonymous6:27 PM

    Ok, well, I know this one is from a while back, but I can't resist.

    "Since WW2 only 1 nation was involved in:
    - bombing own civilians with radio-active fall down in the 60's
    - war in Korea
    - war in Vietnam
    - war in Yogoslavia
    - war in Kuwait
    - war in Afganistan
    - war in Irak

    Guess witch one ?
    Prowd to be an ....

    Posted by Anonymous | 5:47 PM "

    - bombing own civilians with radio-active fall down in the 60's - Russia AND the US

    - war in Korea - France, Greece, Luxembourg,Netherlands, New Zealand, Philippines,
    South Africa, Thailand, Turkey, United Kingdom,and the United States.

    - war in Vietnam - United States, France, New Zealand, Australia, Russia

    - war in Yogoslavia - Albania, Belgium, Canada, Denmark, France, Germany, Italy, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Spain, Turkey, United Kingdom, United States

    - war in Kuwait - United States, Canada, Saudi Arabia, United Kingdom, France

    - war in Afganistan - Spain, United States, United Kingdom, Germany, Sweden

    - war in Irak - United States, United Kingdom, Australia, Spain, Denmark, Poland,
    Kurdish Democratic Party, Patriotic Union of Kurdistan

    By the way, I didn't mention your various spelling errors. Yogoslavia, Irak, prowd, etc.

    Sorry about burning up readers' time with this rant, but it was really, REALLY satisfying to put somebody in their place, particularly when they don't know what the hell they are talking about.

  100. Oh, right, forgot.

    And to you, who is too cowardly to put a name with their belief...

    Try doing some research before you make a ridiculous statement like the one you had above.

  101. Anonymous5:13 AM

    I like cheese :)

  102. Anonymous12:57 PM

    These people complaining about Jihad don't even know where Iraq is! This information is good for AMERICANS as we are in a police state! Wake up America, the real terrorists are behind the scenes pulling all our political and emotional strings.

  103. Pls visit my youtube. I have lots of related fake fingerprints

  104. Anonymous6:33 PM

    This is amazing this website tries to show you how to do stuff and people are talking about the middle east being fucked up and America Being fucked up and even though i agree (i am an american) this is a website about how to do stuff.

  105. Anonymous6:49 PM

    how did people start talking about terrorists?? And by the way fuck you guys America is awesome and we are not all stupid hicks

  106. Anonymous6:22 AM

    i totally agree with the guy that likes cheese !!!

  107. Anonymous9:15 PM

    Okay, I have to say I honestly disagree with racism in all its forms. The majority of people over there are trying to live an honest normal life. Sadly, the few extremists spoil their image as theyre the main ones that appear in the media, leading to people on the other side of the world as interpreting them all as being terrorists.

    In reply to the guy who said America was great because they had won most of their wars, I can pretty much say that that is due to a high population level, and a huge military budget. Any of the other powers, suych as europe, china etc, could easily match Americas military power with about 5 years development, but none of them seem to see that waste of money as being worth anything. Im not saying America isn't great, but it's only on about the same level as every other developed country.

    Now, on topic, this article was quite interesting. I saw them test this on mythbusters to quite good effect, and was interested in the method (only caught the end). Im not sure if this is the same thing, but it was an intresting read :)

  108. Anonymous7:10 PM

    Ryan says: "or maybe the west should be blown and repopulated with people who don't beat their children, rape their neighbors, murder their holy leaders, promote racism, are'nt racially ignorant and intolorant, and don't care more about money than their own brother."

    Ryan, moron, crawl out of your nintendo wii for a second and you'll see that races are not the same nor are they equal, and that harmony between them was never intended and will never be possible. The war in iraq was a jewish power-grab at American expense. It's fairly obvious that you're some dark turdskin, and the rest of what you said was baseless and stupid. Asshole.

  109. Anonymous11:20 AM

    You all have not faced threat of the terrorists, so you people tell it so easily. In India, things are different, especially Kashmir. Freedom of speech has been taken away from people by the jihadists. Who will speak for them? :`( :``(

  110. Anonymous1:35 AM

    Well these comments have been * very* helpful for the people that say quit the war whats gonna stop the extrimests, squat any way blah blah blah the world sucks america sucks point is youre gunna find somethige to wine about so grow up theres a ressision theres awar theres alot but you can get KOed or roll with the punches

  111. Anonymous4:33 AM

    why exactly would we need to do this i mean come on!!!!!

  112. Anonymous2:28 AM

    allah ur akbar!!! lol

    Anonymous says:
    "why exactly would we need to do this..."

    Uh, maybe someone might need to start over with a new life and also need to be fingerprinted for some reason- a job or something... And maybe they can't use their old identity because, oh IDK, maybe they're wanted in another state or maybe they're being stalked by an abusive ex or something... Come on man, there's hundreds of reasons why you may need to create fingerprints other than your own... JFC... And it's not like this is some big secret either, I mean they did it on mythbusters for f's sake...

  113. Anonymous6:30 PM

    ok, im not trying to be mean but did anyone else notice that almost all the spelling mistakes here are made by Americans, im sorry but its true.

    'durka'? who the fuck do u think u are?

    ok so im irish and i have never appreciated the fact that i dont live in america more than now.

    moat of u are being obnoxious and ignorant and just generally actind like twats.

    goodbye i love u all

  114. Anonymous11:22 PM

    Um to the person that said we leave fingerprints because of the oils in our skin and thats why this wouldnt work....It is very easy to just get some of your own oils onto the fake fingerprint and wala it works...and to the retard who said jihad terrorist...TERRORISTS KILL THEMSELVES! WHY WOULD THEY WANT FAKE FINGERPRINTS!!! GO U R DUMB!

  115. It wasn't wasted time either, the whole reason I'm (probably everyone) here is nothing better to do. Seriously though, we're all in this world together so it might not be a bad idea to try to work with and sculpt our thoughts and ideas... rather than marginalizing each other on trivial issues... and who even knows the ages/location/life of the particular persons represented here
    ...You know thats great and all but the only reason we leave fingerprints is becaus of the oils in our skin that new print wont take to any thing caus it will be dry...

  116. Anonymous6:04 PM

    @Ryan---You are a dumbass. I'm pretty sure that almost never happens in america - especially compared to other contries. Besides this health care bs, america is a great place to live.

  117. Anonymous2:02 AM

    Best site ever!!!!!!

  118. Anonymous8:42 PM

    What do fuck you 14 year old you need to go suck a dick

  119. Anonymous8:46 PM

    What da fuck you need to leave Americans alone you ass
    go suck a dick

    And I'm top 26 out of 256
    Who is the dum ass now you ass hole

  120. Anonymous1:15 AM

    The terrorists are soon gonna be out of a job - America is doing a fine job of destrying itself all on its own.

  121. Anonymous1:52 AM

    Jihad Terrorist? No, just fraud kings. I been workin with Glue for a while, generally super glueing youf thumb and pressing it directly on forms on sand paper, c very textured brick etc... prior to stamping your check will give it a whole new look . I'm up for new ideas though. I like this one, seems like a lot of work though.

  122. Anonymous1:29 PM

    you can't blame americans for being americans. But you can blame the US goverment for the death and suffer that are making all around the world.
    You can't blame soldiers for kill other soldiers ( terrorist or not) because they're trying to stay alive. but you can blame the soldiers for being soldiers.
    and, i think that a post for understand how to make a fake fingerprint it's not terrorism.
    Terrorism is spread fear and terror for a cause, that, both american goverment and jihad organization do.!

  123. Anonymous4:56 PM

    go fuck a goat. dirk dirka la muhamed fucks goats and dudes.

  124. Anonymous3:45 AM

    Well, I'm convinced about one thing: almost everyone leaving comments is an idiot.

  125. Anonymous11:06 PM

    Dost thou love life?
    Then do not squander time,
    for that is the stuff life is made of....

  126. Cookies4Rent6:41 AM

    How about we all stop being insensitive pricks that stereotype the general populations of countries they've never been to? All the things mentioned so far about about Americans and Muslims only apply to a tiny minority of the entire population. It's true a number of Americans are fat, lazy bastards, but it doesn't apply to everyone. And not every Muslim you see is gonna run a plane into your backyard.

    That may or may not apply to Muslim children with a new RC plane.

    But what do I know? I'm just some Asian kid living in a small city somewhere in America. Anyway, I don't see the end of insensitivity coming anytime soon, if at all. Just wanted to put that out there.

  127. Anonymous6:40 PM

    ok i'd like to first state:I am British.
    A few facts for you bigots(I'm not saying you all are for you fellow peacekeepers of the interwebs:D)

    1:NONE of the terrorists involved in the 9/11 hijackings were from Pakistan,Iraq or Iran,they were some jewish people and some egyptians backed and funded by AL-Queida.
    2:The fact that some people are saying Racists should be burned in hell/killed/imprisoned means that you are being racist,because you are discriminating a group of people,who,frankly yes are not nice but everyone deserves a second chance.
    3:Muslims are not the people who are killing American/British troops.Its the Militant Muslims,And on that matter i suppose you would hate Us(The West)If some well armed and Armoured Men/Women came to your house,beat down your door,forced their way in and raped your wife,and stole your livelyhood.
    4:Any one person in any one country has the ability to change lives,and also the ability to destroy them.Be he Black,White,Jewish,Muslim,Homosexual or Hetrosexual.

    Imagine you are sat in your home,having dinner.
    A rat scurries throught your door and eats some cheese on the floor.
    Do you feed the rat?No you chase the rat out of the door.
    The next day you set a trap for the rat by putting a piece of cheese in the dame place by the door.But instead of a rat a squirrel walks in and takes the piece of cheese.
    You let the squirrel take the cheese and it leaves soon after.
    The day after that the rat returns,and you stand on it and toss it out the door to die.
    The rat and the squirrel have done nothing against you,and nothing for you.Infact if you gave a rat a bushier tail it would look quite alot like a squirrel,yet you let the squirrel eat your cheese and killed the rat.Why is that?That is racism based on looks alone.perhaps the rat had a strange skill that could earn you millions of pounds.
    Squirrels are three times more likely to bite you than rats.

    Hopefully some of you people are thinking WOW,this guy must be a philosopher,or a psychologist.
    But no,I am a fourteen year old boy,and i hope ive proved you wrong in your racist or whatever you may do.

    I believe it was God who said " To aire is human,To forgive is Divine."
    I hope all who have been offended in this discusion can forgive anyone,and maybye nexy year,2011 will be a year of peace and prosperity.
    But one can only hope.
    Yours Truthfull,
    Kieran McMullen.

  128. Anonymous11:36 AM

    anyone who is arguing about terrorists and shit on this blog is retarded just fyi

  129. Anonymous2:27 PM

    Atleast I'll get my 99 virgins =]
    Don't hate

  130. Anonymous10:18 AM

    I think that we should all unite against the blacks!!!!
    Who's with me?

  131. Anonymous10:21 AM

    Also, what about them Mexicans?

  132. Anonymous5:53 PM

    Thanks, school will never have my fingerprint, i can still have lunch.

  133. just a thought........ in a MUCH earlier post someone said not all asians are Muslim........ummmm has anyone but me never seen an asian muslim? I mean wtf?!?! You don't ever hear jet li going around saying hail allah or jackie chan saying praise mohammed! Now this isn't meant to be insulting to anyone but the incorrect asshole who said asian muslims but come on if you're going to say a racist comment at least have some fact behind it! Asia's population is dominantly shinto and bhuddist as far as I know (any asian people who feel I am wrong in this please feel free to message me via e-mail @ I'll gladly learn something new.)anyway back to my train of thought, Use your brains if you are about to post something stupid and ask yourself if its just going to make you sound like the dumbass,media fed,piece of crap,virgin, ball jockey you are! thank you have a nice day and please feel free to f**k yourself on the wayout! =)

  134. Anonymous1:39 AM

    Not that this is even close to being correct or factual.

    "Since WW2 only 1 nation was involved in:
    - bombing own civilians with radio-active fall down in the 60's
    - war in Korea
    - war in Vietnam
    - war in Yugoslavia
    - war in Kuwait
    - war in Afghanistan
    - war in Iraq

    Guess witch one ?
    Proud to be an ...."

    AMARICAN .... Yes!!! Until my last breath is taken!!!

    Oh and i corrected your spelling mistakes as well.

  135. Anonymous1:41 AM

    American! my bad! lol!

  136. Anonymous10:52 PM

    Tried it, it doesnt work for an inkk pad

  137. Anonymous6:27 AM

    Office finger print machine gives me viruses :(

  138. Anonymous3:52 AM

    Can u plz tell me hw to fake finger vein authentication system??

  139. Anonymous3:54 AM

    athukku apde odiyangada

  140. This information is so cool!I can make a fingerprint now.

  141. Anonymous1:59 PM

    oh my ghawdd.....the banter in this thread it, like, totallly just kill all the islamey muzzlems and the jews and kristens already so we have some effin peace. Alley-alley-ackbhar

  142. Anonymous11:39 AM

    what r all u assholes doing out here fucking around.yall need to do isstop the isralies from coming over here and fucking people around.

  143. Anonymous11:39 AM

    look,you assholes need to get a life and stop critizing people just because you feel like it.Americans ARE NOT stupid.whoever the fuck you are FUCK OFF and LEAVE AMERICANS ALONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  144. Anonymous11:37 PM

    It's funny to see all retard not able to understand why crap "government" want have fingerprint, blood sample, etc. of all people.

    They make explode two shit tour so now they can enter at your home and say you are a terrorist.
    Ya we have your fingerprint, your DNA, your photo, so it's you. Soooo practical to have database of all people and can choose any inside to say hey you are a terrorist.
    And if computer say that, its the truth.

    Hopefully in less than 1000 years, human stop to exist.

    Machines will kill all these Terrorist...

    Fuck you all retard asshole Big Brother

  145. Anonymous1:56 PM

    cool now i know how to break into the bank on sunday its a good thing one of the sucurity personell with acess to the scaner has a picture of him giving a thumbs up showing his thumb print on his face book page

  146. Anonymous1:27 PM

    wow,a fake fingerprint blog turnrd into a political debate ground,guys stop judging others if you want to change the world it should start from you first

    lets make this world a peaceful place with no conficts.

  147. Anonymous11:38 PM

    wow. I just read the comments, and id
    say like mebbe 120 of them are about racism and terrorism. Holy crap, on a DIY blog.

  148. Karia5:10 PM

    O.O jeez, terrorists, rapists, racists, politics, and on a how to blog about fingerprints!!!!

  149. You had great points til some dumb asses that have know idea what there talking about bark and waste space stay off this spot unless u have something to add Imam sgt Fenn from 82nd Airbourne and you all sound like jihadist assholes shut up cause some people need to know this knowledge if you have a problem hit me up please

  150. You ever been in a country we aren't suppose to be. In and if they run my prints I amf screwed that's why these ideas help people that while our worrying about your talk show I gotta get or help get our team out

  151. Anonymous8:33 AM

    Come On Everyone, I'm Indonesian, Muslim, And I'm Proud Of It, Who Says We Can't Choose Our Own Path And Religion?

    Not All Muslims Are Bad.

  152. great blog. i really love to visit this blog........

  153. Anonymous3:04 PM

    Interesting to see how people think by reading these comments. My conclusion and my reply to the whole discussion about dumb americans and muslim terrorists. There is no greater evil then that of the worlds elite, including politicians, bankers and the media spinning the truth on all and everything. Creating conflicts, yes Iraq, yes Syria, yes Ukraine and yes even in the comment section of this site. Oh people, if only you would wake up and understand. Nothing is what it seems. We are all f*cked, we are all spinned in the same web fighting each other.

  154. Anonymous3:13 PM

    Interesting to SEE how people think by reading these comments. My CON-CLEW-SION and my re-ply to the whole discussion about dumb americans and muslim terrorists. There is no greater E-vil then that of the worlds E-lite, including politicians, bankers and the media (in the middle) SPINNING the truth on all and ever-Y-thing. Creating CON-flicts, yes Iraq, yes Syria, yes Ukraine and yes even in the comment section of this site. Oh people, if only you would wake up and under-stand (or OVER-stand). No-thing is what it seems. We are all f*cked, we are all SPINNED in the same WEB fighting each other.

    1. Anonymous4:51 PM

      I'm from Ukraine, and the war is created by nobody else but the fucking russians, who should've stay away from a country that's not their own, but they don't because in 2010s they still can't cope with the fact that USSR doesn't exist anymore.

  155. Anonymous3:43 PM

    Every country, every government, every religion (RE-ligare= return to bondage or re-bind). It's all CON-trolled by the same CON-men. CON-spiring to man-age all world re-sources and ultimately hu-man-ity as a whole. The priesthoods of the visible and the in-visible (for one freemasonry) are the masters of de-cept-ion. Infiltrating all high places in business, politics and media to further the agenda of their masters. The murdering, eu-gen-ic, trans-hu-man-ist E-LITE. Any CON-flict is conned into excistance. We are all made to BEE-lieve. Reading guides on how to fake fingerprints, to pass time, not to see re-ality.

  156. Deviant Program5:55 PM

    America is a vehicle for the plan. Later followed by NATO and the UN (one) to maintaining international peace and security. Fighting the just wars against terrorism. An enemy that cannot be seen and therefor can never be defeated. The perfect con to control. Bee-cause any-body can be a terrorist. Justifying the monitoring (snooping) on all people to be con-trolled. CONNED by the Bright-ish empire, currently lead by the masonic high-priest Philip Mount-bat-ten. Yes the sec-ond is the first. No-thing is what it seems, working in the shadows. All royalty of all countries are of the same line-age. One happy big family. Deriving the right to rule directly from the will of God. This statement might have worked in the past but these days it sounds pretty crazy. But still they rule, they get your money, not by your CON-sent. Not a ceremonial, diplomatic or representational role as they made you BEE-lieve (we are all worker bees deprived of the royal jelly = know-ledge). The royal heigh priests of freemasonry CON-trol their puppets in all facets of society. From the Holly-wood movie industry to the music industry, to politics, to the NEWS/media, to the military industrial complex. Dumbing down the masses, de-humanizing. To create a CON-fused citizen un-able to reason for himself. Repeating the updates received from last nights news programming. Fighting over false opinions instilled into their minds.

    Western, eastern, muslim or whatever, none responsible for the problems of hu-man-ity. Not re-spons-ible for the WARS (planned by the real rulers), POLUTION (planned to blame you = control you), CLIMATE CHANGE (a natural occuring fluctuation between ice-ages and warmer periods) or humanity's CRUEL HISTORY as they (the ruling elite) want you to BEE-lieve, to come to their desired outcome. A scientifically planned = controlled society.

    Queen bee ruling the worker bees through bee drones (freemasons). Royalty by will of god. God represented on earth by the Vat-i-can. Can, Cain, King, Con = priests, shepherds of men / managers of societies.

    His-story = the story of the victors. Always the inter-national priesthoods financing all sides of all wars. Vat-i-CAN bankers - international banking families. Without money no media, no politics, no wars, no international conflicts - no control. Priesthoods - visible and invisible - control the money, money finances mainstream media/news. Media is the middle, creating public opinion, making or braking politicians. Political campaigns are funded by the priesthoods (freemasonry con-trolled) multi-nationals.

    You bee-lieve you have the greatest demo-crazy while bee-ing CON-ned by psychopathic (great actors) politicians eager to please their masters. You bee-lieve you have to spread your great democracy to places unknown by you (except for the stories virally spread to you by the mainstream media). You are a bee-liever. Out of your mind into the UNI-VERS-AL (one voice) mind.

    A MATRIX where lang-u-age was/is created to con-trol you by programming / tv programming / programming language / pro-grammar-ing. We are pro-grammed by the - creator(s)=architects=priests - to follow a pre-defined script to their utopia. Void of sentient and able bee-ings. Only bee-ings un-able to under-stand therefor un-able to re-volt.

    Wake up ...
    The matrix has you

    Or go back to sleep and enjoy your late night programming/updates :)

  157. haha dumbass this is not about your freakin bee-lieve so suht the fuck up why not put all fuckin retard conspiracy theorists in the middle east and bomb there asses

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    Wire Bank Transfer
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    Shipping product. serious / needy contact about it.

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  162. Anonymous2:29 AM

    Hey ukraine. Fuck you.

  163. informasi yang sangat berguna sekali gan buat saya

  164. Thanks for information gan

  165. Thanks for sharing this article. Verry nice:)


  166. Our company 1st Choice Fingerprinting provides fingerprinting service based in Ohio.

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